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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
James Howell Moore


Will of James Howell Moore
from Newfoundland will books volume 12 pages 469-470 probate year 1923

In re
      JAMES H. MOORE.          DECEASED.

The last Will and Testament of James Howell Moore of Hearts Content Newfoundland Mechanic, written by him and being sound in mind, and in good health, I do hereby dispose of my property in the following manner, Viz.

1st. Knowing it is appointed unto all men once to die. I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to Christian burial in the Cemetery adjoining St. Mary’s Church Hearts Content in the plot that is already taken by me and in which lies my beloved wife’s remains, and a suitable inscription to be engraved on the monument that is erected therein, the cost of funeral expenses and inscription to be defrayed by my Executors out of my Estate.

2nd. I bequeath to my son James Alison Moore all my landed Estate, Viz.

(a) The Waterside property consisting of wharf and Stores and the land upon which they stand.
(b) The land on the east side of Main Road consisting of Kitchen garden and Hill garden with all erections thereon (Viz) a Two Tenement Dwelling House by side of Main Road and all outhouses and workshop also all my tools.
( c) The piece of uncultivated land situated on Carbonear road adjoining the estate of Peter Howell’s property Also my interest in the Motor Boat belonging to my son James Alison and myself.
(d) I bequeath also to my son James Alison three fourths of all monies remaining from my Estate after the following bequests, and costs of distributing my Estate are paid.

3rd. I bequeath to my daughter Dora Isabella Farnham one fourth of the monies remaining from my estate after the costs of distributing my estate are paid.

4th. I bequeath to my Grandson Edwin Mallow Jr the sum of Fifty dollars to be placed on interest in Bank and to be held in trust until he is twenty one years of age at which time it is to be passed to him by my Executors with the interest thereon.

5th. I do appoint my son James Alison Moore and Archibald Farnham to be my Executors in carrying out the true intent and meaning of this my will.

Signed and delivered this 28th day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and twenty two.

In presence of
M. Farnham
Wm R. Moore

William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Nov 17/23
Kent J.
Probate granted
to James Alison
Moore and
Nov 20/23.
Estate sworn
at $2459.50



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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