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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
James Harvey Monroe



Will of James Harvey Monroe
from the Newfoundland will books volume 12 pages 187 to 189 probate year 1922


This is the last Will and Testament of me James Harvey Monroe, of St. John's in the Island of Newfoundland, Manufacturer.

  • I revoke all former Wills and testaments by me at any time made and declare this to be my last will and testament. I appoint my nephews Frederick C. Alderdice and Walter S. Monroe executors of this my will.
  • I will and bequeath to my sister Rachael Kathleen Alderdice all my interest in the lease of the dwelling house situate at Number 3. Park Place St. John's. I bequeath to the said Rachael Kathleen Alderdice all my household furniture, beds, and bedding contained in my said dwelling house for her sole and absolute use. I bequeath to the said Rachael Kathleen Alderdice all cattle of which I may die possessed.
  • I will and bequeath to her son Frederick Charles Alderdice my two motor cars, carriage, harness and horse, also my four tenement houses on Pleasant Street which are freehold property. It is my request that the said Frederick Charles Alderdice allow Sarah Downton to reside in the apartment now occupied by her for the remainder of her natural life free of rent but this is optional on the part of the said Frederick Charles Alderdice and he is free to act as he pleases in this matter.
  • I bequeath to James E. Barnes, son of Robert Barnes, the sum of Four thousand dollars $4000.00)
  • to Bessie Berwick of Brooklyn the sum of Two thousand dollars ($2000.00)
  • to the children of my late niece Jean Ayre, formerly wife of James S. Ayre the sum of Two thousand dollars ($2000.00)
  • to my niece Kathleen Baird the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to John B. Trumble of Key West, Florida, the sum of Two thousand dollars ($2000.00)
  • to my niece Olive Monroe the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my niece Sydney Monroe the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my niece Sydney Monroe the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my nephew James Monroe the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my niece Edith Alderdice the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my niece Doris Alderdice the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my nephew James Alderdice the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my nephew Harold Alderdice the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my cousin James Harvey of Maryport, England, the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my cousin Blanche Adair of Maryport, England, the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00)
  • to my nephew Herbert Monroe the sum of Two thousand pounds sterling (£2000.00)
  • to the Reverend Horace Monroe the sum of Two thousand pounds (£2000.00) sterling;
  • to Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas the sum of One thousand dollars ($1000.00)
  • to Arthur Monroe, son of Walter S. Monroe, the sum of One thousand dollars ($1000.00)
  • to Boyd Baird the sum of One thousand dollars ($1000.00)
  • to my nephew David M. Baird the sum of One thousand dollars ($1000.00)
  • to the church of England Orphanage St. John's the sum of One thousand dollars ($1000.00)
  • to Mount Cashel Orphanage the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.00)
  • to the Methodist Orphanage the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.00).
  • I bequeath to Norma and Pamela Alderdice, daughters of my late nephew Norman Harvey Alderdice the sum of Four thousand dollars ($4000.00) each, which said sum is to be invested by my executors for them and on their behalf and the interest thereon to be paid to their mother Mrs. Dorothy Alderdice until they attain the age of twenty one years when the principal shall be paid to each of them. In the event of either of the said children not attaining the age of twenty one years then her share shall be payable to the survivor. In the event of both dying before they attain the age of twenty one years the said sum shall revert and form part of the residue of my estate.
  • I direct that my executors realize the balance of my estate at such time and in such manner as they in their discretion deem best and that they divide the sum so realized into One hundred (100) equal shares. Of these One hundred shares forty (40) shall be given to my nephew Frederick Charles Alderdice; twenty (20) shares to my sister Rachael Kathleen Alderdice; twenty (20) shares to my niece Edith Maud (Dolly) Anderson, wife of Samuel Anderson of Ballee House, Rallymarna(?) Ireland, and Twenty (20) shares to my brother William David Monroe of New Zealand. In the event of any of the said four parties predeceasing me then and in such event his or her share shall be divided among the surviving legatees named in this paragraph only in equal proportions. I direct that my executors give to my nephew Frederick Charles Alderdice the option of taking his share of the legacy hereinbefore provided for in shares of the Colonial Cordage Company Limited or of the Imperial Tobacco Company (Newfoundland) Limited as the said Frederick Charles Alderdice may elect, such shares to be calculated for the purposes of this my will at their par or face value.

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand at St. John's this 30th day of December, A.D. 1921. JAMES H. his X mark MONROE
Signed Published and Declared by the said Testator as and for his last will and testament in presence of us (both present at the same time) who in his presence and at his request hereunto subscribe our names as witnesses attesting the due execution hereof (having been first read over and explained) CHAS E. HUNT.    N. TUCK.

This is a codicil to the last will and testament of me, James Harvey Monroe of St. John's, Manufacturer.

  • FIRST: I desire to confirm the transfer already made by me of my shares in the Midwest and Gulf Oil Corporation to my nephew Frederick Charles Alderdice.
  • SECOND: I hereby appoint Charles E. Hunt of St. John's Solicitor as an executor of my will in addition to the two executors appointed hereby.

Witness my hand at St. John's this 9th day of January A.D. 1922. JAMES H. his X mark MONROE
Signed Published and declared by the testator in our presence who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses: (the said codicil having been first read over and explained) NELLIE TUCK.     RICHARD FREDHAM.

William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Listed in the Margin next to this will the following)
Fiat April
Kent J.
Probate granted
to Frederick C.
Walter S. Monroe
And Charles E.
April 28/22.
Estate sworn
at $270,630.00



Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are hand-written copies of a, "last will and testament," written by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor.

We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be.

Page Contributed by Judy Benson and Ivy F. Benoit

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit June 24, 2002

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