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Will of Elijah Mercer In re In
the name of God. Amen. This is the last will and Testament of me, Elijah
Mercer, of Bay Roberts, Newfoundland I direct that all my waterside Premises,
my store and fishing gear be realized, and the proceeds added to the
amount in the Bank or in Land & after the payment of all my just
debts and funeral expenses. I give and bequeath the sum of Two thousand
dollars free of duty to the Rector and Churchwardens of St. Matthew’s
Church, Bay Roberts, to be used in the first instance towards discharging
any debt that may exist upon the buildings and secondly towards the erection
of a new Rectory or for the benefit of the said church and Parish at
the discretion of the Rector and Churchwardens. Codicil I, Elijah Mercer, do hereby revoke the bequest of two thousand dollars in the foregoing to the Rector and churchwardens of St. Matthews Church and bequeath instead the sum of one thousand dollars free of duty to the same. Dated this 17th day of November 1915 (sgd) Elijah Mercer In the presence of: (sgd) George Mercer (sgd) Thomas Mercer. Second Codicil. I hereby revoke the bequest of three thousand dollars to my nephew, James Clifford Mercer, and instead thereof bequeath to my said nephew the sum of one thousand dollars on the same conditions as the former bequest. Dated this fifteenth day of February one thousand nine hundred and sixteen (sgd) Elijah Mercer. In the presence of: (sgd) George Mercer of Geo. (Sgd) Thomas Mercer of Jos. Correct, (Listed in the margin of this will)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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