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Will of Anne M. Meagher In re This is the last will and testament
of me Annie M. Meagher of Saint John’s in the Island
of Newfoundland, Spinster. I direct that all my just debts
funeral and testamentary expenses be first paid out of my estate, and that
my said funeral expenses shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars. I give and bequeath unto my cousin Ellen
Noonan the sum of twenty dollars to
be paid to her out of the moneys standing to my credit in the Newfoundland
Savings Bank, one year after my death; and also out of the rent derived from
my dwelling house No. 54 Cochrane Street, I direct that the sum of twenty four
dollars be annually paid to the said Ellen Noonan for and
during the term of her natural life. I also give and bequeath
to her my Silver watch and all my wearing apparel. I give and bequeath to my cousins Sylvester and James
Meagher of Aquaforte
my house Silver which is marked with the letter “M” to
be divided equally, as to value, between them. I give and
bequeath my pair of Gold bracelets, Gold Brooch and two pair of Gold Ear Rings
to Agnes Tobin daughter of William Harris Sr. Of St. John’s
Builder. I give and bequeath to Edith Williams daughter of William
Williams my writing desk. I give and bequeath my Silver Cream Spoon
marked with the letter “M” to Mrs.
Alice Scott of Barnes Road Widow. I give and bequeath my Silver Cream Jug marked with the letter “S” and
two table spoons marked J.C.S. to Margaret Saunders daughter of John
Saunders of Sydney, Cape Breton. I give and bequeath
to William Harris of St. John’s Builder the picture
of my mother now in his possession. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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