Will of William Meadus
from Newfoundland will books volume 4 pages 392 to 394
probate year 1885
In re William Meadus deceased.
In the name of God Amen. I William
Meadus of Grates Cove in the Island of Newfoundland Trader being aged and infirm
in body but in perfect mind and memory knowing that it is appointed unto all
men once to die, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament
commending my soul to Almighty God who gave it, and my body I commend to the
earth to receive at the discretion of my executor decent Christian burial,
being assured that I shall receive the same again at the last day by the mighty
power of God And as touching such worldly estate wherewith God hath blessed
me this life I give and bequeath the same in the following manner and form
First- That for and in consideration of the love and affection I have
and do bear toward my beloved wife Jane Meadus I give and bequeath unto her for
her use the sum of three hundred pounds current money of the Island aforesaid
the same being a portion with other monies I have at present deposited in the
Union Bank at Saint John’s in the Island aforesaid for and during the remainder
of her natural life or during her widowhood and at her decease or in the event
of her again entering into wedlock when the said three hundred pounds shall become
the portion of my beloved and afflicted son Joseph Meadus as one of the means
of his support for and during the remainder of his natural life and at his decease
the said three hundred pounds shall become the portion of my beloved son William
Henry Meadus and his heirs as hereafter mentioned. And I also give and bequeath
unto her the said Jane Meadus the one half of my dwelling house northward, that
I now occupieth, and all my household furniture, beds and bedding, together with
all my cattle remaining at my decease- But and if my wife said Jane Meadus again
enter into wedlock she shall be dispossest of the said half of dwelling house,
household furniture, beds and cattle and the same equally divided between my
two sons the said William Henry Meadus and Joseph Meadus
Secondly That for and in consideration of the love and affection I
have and do bear toward my beloved son William Henry Meadus I give and bequeath
unto him the sum of Four hundred pounds current money of the Island aforesaid
being a portion with other monies I have at present deposited in the Union Bank
at Saint John’s in the Island aforesaid and also dwelling house and one
half the fishing room together with one half the land that I purchased of David
Benson And I also bequeath unto him one half of
my other fishing rooms and fishing property and also one half my lands held and
possessed by me previous to that I purchased of said David Benson as aforesaid,
together with one half of my stores and other building erected thereon, and situated
at Grates Cove aforesaid to be his and his heirs in the male line lawfully born
for ever.
Thirdly. For and in consideration of the love and affection I have
and do bear toward my beloved son Joseph Meadus (who in the providence of Almighty
God is deprived of reasoning faculties) I give and bequeath unto him that sum
of three hundred pounds, or the portion thereof, unexpended which is entrusted
to my beloved wife Jane Meadus and for her use during her natural life or widowhood
and which shall become his immediately after her decease as mentioned heretofore
in the first section of this my last will and testament and I also give unto
him one half of my dwelling house, southward, that I now occupieth and also one
half of my fishing room and one half of my land purchased of Joseph Benson as
mentioned aforesaid, and also one half of my other fishing room and lands held
and possessed by me previous to that purchased of David Benson as mentioned aforesaid
and also one half my stores and other buildings erected thereon and thus providing
a means and assuring unto the said Joseph Meadus a competent and decent support
for and during his natural life And at his decease the said three hundred pounds,
or what remains unexpended thereof, together with the portions of dwelling house,
fishing rooms, lands, stores and other buildings bequeathed to the said Joseph
Meadus shall become the portions and properties of my beloved son William
Henry Meadus and his heirs lawfully born for ever.
Fourthly In consideration of the trust and confidence placed in my
beloved wife Jane Meadus I commit to her the guardianship of my afflicted son
said Joseph Meadus and in the event of his surviving her I entrust him to the
care, safe keeping and protection of my son said William Henry Meadus and his
surviving heirs for the remainder of his natural life.
Fifthly. Placing entire confidence in the ability and integrity of
my son the said William Henry Meadus I hereby constitute appoint
and ordain him to be the sole executor to this my last will and testament and
do hereby disannul revoke make void and disallow all and every former will, testament,
legacy and bequest ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament. In
witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal at Grates Cove
aforesaid this twenty-ninth day of November A.D. one thousand eight hundred and
eighty-two. William his X mark Meadus (LS) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the within named testator in the presence
of us being first read and approved of by the said testator, James Janes,
Joshua Benson.
I William Meadus the testator named in the foregoing will do
hereby publish and declare that in the event of Elizabeth Ann Meadus the
wife of my said son William Henry Meadus surviving him she shall
have a peaceable residence with my said dwelling houses for and during her widowhood
and no longer. William his mark X Meadus.
Signed and declared this 29th day of November A.D.
1882. James
Janes, Joshua Benson.
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
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