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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Alexander J. W. McNeily
Will of Alexander J. W. McNeily
from Newfoundland will books volume 9
pages 409-410 probate year 1912
In re
Alexander J. W. McNeily deceased.
This is the Last will and Testament
of me Alexander J. W. McNeily of St. John’s in the Island of Newfoundland
one of His Majesty’s Counsel I give and bequeath to my Executors
all the Estate and property of which I shall die possessed and I appoint
my sons James Alexander William Whiteford McNeily Barrister at Law and
James Johnston Rogerson McNeily Accountant as the Executors
of this my last will and Testament Upon Trust after payment of all my
just debts and funeral and Testamentary expenses to make disposition
of my Estate when realized as follows:
1. I give devise and bequeath
to my dear son James A.W.W. McNeily all my interest in the firm of “McNeily & McNeily” and
all my books and silver and plated ware and the large China Punch Bowl
(said to have been the property of Sir John Harvey formerly
Governor of Newfoundland) also my signet ring
2 To my dear son James
J. R. McNeily I give devise and bequeath the sum of $400.00 Also my land
at Salmonier held under grant from the Crown to the late James
Goodfellow and purchased by me from his Estate, which land
contains about 196 acres more or less Also the gold locket set in Aqua
Marine formerly worn by my dear wife and containing my photograph
To my dear son Alexander Robert Goodfellow McNeily I
give devise and bequeath the sum of $500.00. Also my gold watch and chain
and his mothers wedding Ring which I wear
4. It is my will and desire
that all my steel Engravings of Dore’s pictures and all my Bartolazzis
and other old Prints and engravings shall be sent for sale to England
the United States or Canada as I fear that the artistic taste of Newfoundland
is not sufficiently educated to appreciate their value.
5 All
the rest residue and remainder of my estate not hereinbefore appropriated
I give devise and bequeath to my three sons James A W W McNeily Alexander
R. G. McNeily and James
J R. McNeily share and share alike
In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand this 9th day of
March A.D. 1904 Alex J. W. McNeily
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Oct 17/11
Emerson J.
Feb. 10/12
to J. A. W. W.
(reserving the
rights of
J.J.R. McNeily
sworn at
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Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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