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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Donald Aloysius McInnes


Will of Donald Aloysius McInnes
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 527 to 529 probate year 1909

In re
Donald Aloysius McInnes
On This Twenty-first day of February Nineteen hundred & eight; Before Valmore La Marche & J. Phillippe La Marche, the undersigned Notaries at Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada.-. Appeared:- Reverend Donald Aloysius McInnes, retired priest, now at Hotel-Dieu, Pine Avenue Montreal who being of sound mind but bodily sick has requested the said Valmore Lamanche to write down & receive his last will & testament which he has declared in manner & form following in the presence of J. Philippe La Manche above named.
I wish to be buried in the Cemetery of La Trappe at Oka. Trusting my Executor as to my funeral expenses but advising him to act plainly. I recommend my Soul to God begging his Pardon & wishing to be amongst the Blessed. After my debts paid I wish that my Testamentary Executor take out of my Estate the sum of two hundred & fifty Dollars for masses for the rest of my Soul at the rate of Fifty cents each & immediately after my demise.
I give & bequeath to Monseigneur McNeil Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of George Bay in the Island of Newfoundland a sum of two hundred & fifty dollars in full property to be paid to him as soon as possible after my death.
I declare that I am the legal Bearer of two certificates of Deposit one from the Bank of Montreal on its Branch of St. John's Newfoundland dated the fifteenth day of March eighteen hundred & ninety-seven & bearing the number 46059 to the amount of Six hundred & fifty nine dollars & Thirty cents. The other from the Bank of Nova Scotia on its branch at Montreal, Province of Quebec dated the Seventh day of August Nineteen hundred & five & bearing the number 0003 to the amount of seven Hundred & forty-eight dollars & Twenty six cents moreover all the interest accrued at the date of my death. And of a sum of about one Hundred & Thirty six Dollars currency which I have in my possession. Out of these said three sums I wish that my funeral & burial expenses be paid first and after the Hospital fees and then the above two legacies for masses for the rest of my Soul & for Mgr. McNeil, Bishop of George Bay.
After deduction of those amounts I give and bequeath to the Trappists of Notre-Dame Du Lac Des Deux- Montagnes at Oka the remainder of the above amounts. Should I turn into cash, as it is my intention, the sums represented by the receipts of deposit above mentioned I order that the amounts so received be employed for same purposes as above, whatever may be the investments made by me.
As to the residue of all the property belonging to me at the day & hour of my demise wearing apparels, jewels, etc. I empower my said Testamentary Executor herein after named to take possession & dispose of the same in trust as he may see fit without the intervention of anyone - & without having to account for same. I hereby revoke all Wills & Codicils I may have heretofore made & I appoint for my Trustee & Testamentary Executor with power to act beyond the year & day limited by law the Reverend Pierre Auger of Oka in religion Dom Marie Antoine Abbe of La Trappe De Notre-Dame Du Lac Des Deux- Montagnes with the power to receive the deposits I may have in Bank, if any, & any other sums due to me, to give discharge of the same & authorizing him to pay my debts.
Done & passed at Montreal, at Hotel-Dieu, Pine Avenue in the room called “St. Marc” under the number six thousand eight hunderd & sixty five of the originals of the said Valmore La Marche who in the presence of said J. Philippe La Marche his Colleague, has read the present will to the Testator & this latter has declared to well understand the same & to persist therein. In testimony whereof he has signed the present-will in the presence of the said Notaries who have also signed in his presence & in the presence of each other. (signed) Donald Aloysius McInnes (signed) J. P. Lamarche. N.P. Signed V. Lamarche N.P.
I hereby certify that the above translation of the will of Reverend Donald A. McInnes passed on the Twenty-first day of February Nineteen hundred & eight; before Valmore La Marche & Colleagues Notaries, is a true & faithful translation of the French into English.
Montreal, the fifteenth of October Nineteen hundred & eight V. La Marche.
Certified Correct
D.M. Browning
(Listed in the margin of this will)
Dec. 30/08
By the court
adm c.t.a
granted to
D.M. Browning
on the 15
day of Jan.
A.D. 1909
Estate sworn at



Page Contributed by Joanne Connors Parandjuk

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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