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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Andrew McDonald


Will of Andrew McDonald
from Newfoundland will books volume 13 pages 46-47 probate year 1924

In re

This is the last will and testament of me, Andrew McDonald, of Kilbride in the Electoral District of St. John’s West, Farmer.

I revoke all former wills by me at any time made, and I appoint Edward Connolly of Kilbride, Farmer, to be the Executor of this my will.

I will and direct that my just debts and my funeral and testamentary expenses shall be first paid out of my estate.

I direct my said Executor to erect a headstone for my grave and to have a railing of iron placed around my said grave.

I give and bequeath to my niece Margaret Gormon my farm near Ruby’s on the Heavy Tree Road.

I give and bequeath the Homestead Farm, known as Albany, with the household furniture therein, to my son John for his own use absolutely.

I give and bequeath to my grandson Andrew, son of my said son John, when he attains the age of twenty one years the Farm known as Cormack’s Farm, with the exception of the portion to the North of the Road and adjoining Quinn’s Farm.

I give and bequeath to my grandson Patrick, son of my said son John, when he attains the age of twenty one years the farm known as Quinn’s Farm and the piece of Cormack’s Farm adjoining.

I give and bequeath all my horses, cattle, farm-stock, machinery and utensils to my said son John to be used by him until my said grandsons attain the age of twenty one years, when if they or either of them desire it, the same shall be divided equally between my said son and grandsons in three shares.

In the event of either of my said grandsons dying before reaching the age mentioned then and in such case I will and direct that the property by this will bequeathed to him shall be divided equally between my said son and the surviving grandson.

I will and direct that my Executor shall, if my grand daughter Mary Murphy require to erect a home for herself thereon, set apart for her from either of the farms bequeathed to my grandsons an acre corner lot.

      All the rest and residue of my estate I leave to my said son John.

      In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand at Kilbride aforesaid this twenty-eighth day of June, A.D. 1919.


Signed Published and Declared by the Testator as and for his last will and testament in presence of us, both being present at the same time who at his request and in his presence have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the due execution hereof the same having been first read over and explained to the Testator who appeared perfectly to understand the same and who signed the same by making his mark thereto in our presence.

W. J. Higgins.    Edward Connolly.

William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Dec 23/24
Horwood C J.
Probate granted
to Edward
Dec 26/24
Estate sworn
at $4900.00



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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