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Will of Margaret Knowling Martin
Vol 9 – Folio 256
In the Supreme Court
In re Margaret Knowling Martin
OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR Administration granted to Edward
Value of Estate $4004.39 TO THE HONOURABLE THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND THE PETITION of EDWARD PARSONS MARTIN at present residing in New York, in the United States of America, but formerly of St. John's in the Island of Newfoundland, and a British subject, Accountant, by his Solicitor, E. S. PINSENT, HUMBLY SHEWETH that:
Your Petitioner therefore, prays that this Honourable Court of Your Lordship may be pleased to grant to him Letters of Administration cum testamento annexo to the estate and effects of In left margin at right angles to text the said deceased, And, as in duty bound, will ever pray etc. The 27th day of January A.D. 1934 E. S. PINSENT, NEWFOUNDLAND ST. JOHN'S S.S. I,Edward Parsons Martin, at present residing in New York, in the United States of America, but formerly of St. John's, in the Island of Newfoundland, and a British Subject, Accountant, make oath and say as follows:-
SWORN at St. John's , in
the Island of Newfoundland this 27th day of January RGA. D. 193 | E. Martin LS |
Robert Alsop COMMISSIONER OF AFFIDAVITS R.G.‘A’ July 19th 1932 I leave everything to my husband Margaret Knowling Martin LS
Signed in the presence of R. G‘A’ This is the paper writing ‘A’ which is the affidavit of
Dated this 9th day of January 1934 | Chester
BM Laughlin Com. Supreme Crt of Nfld |
Notes to accompany transcription: from another Martin researcher, Margaret Knowling Martin was born Margaret MacNeil. Edward Parsons Martin was born in 1901 and was a son of William John Martin and Ellen Rowe. The parents of William John Martin were Jonathan Parsons Martin
and The parents of Ellen Rowe were George James Rowe and Elizabeth Tyack.
Page Contributed by Geoff Martin
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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