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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Alfred Martin


Will of Alfred Martin
from Newfoundland will books volume 15 page 297 probate year 1930

In the Supreme Court

In re
      Alfred Martin




Administration granted to Walter Martin
on the 17th day of November 1930


Value of Estate $1360.00


Sureties Reuben Bennett
and George R Normore


Vol 9 Folio 64




The Petition of Walter Martin of Bell Island in the Electoral District of Bell Island, Mechanic


  1. Alfred Martin late of Bell Island aforesaid, Miner died at Bell Island on or about the ninth day of October A.D. 1926 having previously made his last Will and Testament but appointed no Executor thereof.

  2. The said deceased left him surviving his lawful Widow Keziah Martin since deceased and as next of kin Robert Edward Martin of Bell Island aforesaid Mechanic, Violet Earle of the same place Married Woman, and your Petitioner and no other next of kin.

  3. The paper-writing hereto annexed marked “A” is the said last Will and Testament of the said deceased proved upon the affidavit of Walter Squire of Bell Island aforesaid Merchant one of the subscribing witnesses thereto.

  4. The paper-writing hereto annexed marked “B” is a full correct and true Inventory and valuation of the property and effects of the said deceased at the time of his death so far as Your Petitioner can ascertain.

  5. The paper-writing hereto annexed marked “C” is the consent on the part of the said Robert Edward Martin and the said Violet Earle to the grant to Your Petitioner of Letters of Administration with the Will annexed of the said deceased.

    Written at right angles to the text on the left side of the document

    Fiat ?????? Higgins J
    Nov 15/30

  6. No Letters of Probate of any Will or Letters of Administration of the estate of the said deceased have been granted forth of this Honourable Court.

     Your Petitioner therefore prays that this Honourable Court of Your Lordship may be pleased to grant to him Letters of Administration cum testamento annexo of the estate and effects of the said deceased and Your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray etc.

Dated at St. John’s this 27th day of August A.D. 1930

Solicitors for Petitioner.      


This is the paper writing ??????????????? words cut off on photocopy of Walter Martin and proved upon the affidavit of Walter Squire

I Alfred Martin of Bell Island of sound mind and memory do make my Last Will and Testament as follows.

I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Keziah my dwelling house and all its contents and the cow with that section of land situate as follows to the east of the house and bounded on south by road on the east by Main road running to a distance which makes the North Boundary a line parallel with stable and running to the North east corner of cabbage garden thence in a straight line for such distance until directly opposite the west boundary of the South cabbage garden.
I give and bequeath to my son Walter That section of land lying to the South of Dwelling house Road bounded on the East by Main road on the South By Joseph Skanes and West by cellar wall.
I also give and bequeath to my son Walter that section of land lying to the North of section bequeathed to my wife Keziah, running from Main Road to the North East corner of cabbage garden and thence North to the North boundary.
I further bequeath to my son Walter that five acres granted land situate at East end Wabana.
I give and bequeath to my son Robert all the residue of my land wheresoever situated with the house & stable and farm implements.
      In testimony wherof I the testator Have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of September in the year of our Lord 1926.

Signed by the said Alfred Martin 
to be his last will and testament Alfred

in the presence of us who in his presence


at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names.


Walter Squire LS     
George R Normore LS



Note: Alfred Frederick Martin was born in Burin in 1854 and married Kezia Normore of Bell Island. Kezia died on Bell Island Dec 31, 1929.  At this time the parents and provenance of Alfred’s ancestors are unknown.



Page Contributed by Geoff Martin

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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