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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Samuel Maidment


Will of Samuel Maidment
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 77-79 probate year 1910

In re
      Samuel Maidment          deceased.

      This is the last will and Testament of me Samuel Maidment of Durrells Arm, Twillingate Fisherman    I hereby revoke all other wills by me at any time heretofore made I direct my funeral and testamentary expenses to be paid I give devise and bequeath to my son John Maidment all the land with all erections thereon including Dwelling house Stores stable and fishing premises situate at Durrells Arm aforesaid together with all fishing gear and implements To hold the same to him for ever
      I give and bequeath to my grandson Samuel Flynn son of John and Ann Flynn my silver watch and all the household goods furniture and effects in my bedroom in the house at Durrell’s Arm
I give devise and bequeath all the rest of my lands goods chattels money securities for money and effects wherever situate or being to my four daughters in equal portions, share and share alike namely. Ann wife of John Flynn, Edith wife of Thomas Rice, Sarah wife of John Dally and Georgina wife of Arthur Manuel and in case anyone or more of my said daughters shall predecease me leaving a child or children her or their share respectively shall go to her or their respective child or children and if there be no child or children of any deceased daughter then her share shall go to the survivor or survivors of my said daughters.
      I appoint my son in law the said Arthur Manuel to be the Executor of this my will     Dated at Saint John’s this 6th day of June Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and six    Samuel his x mark Maidment     Signed published and declared by the said Samuel Maidment as his last will and testament at Saint John’s aforesaid in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request all being present at the same time have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses the day and year first above written having been first read over and explained to the Samuel Maidment who made his mark in our presence    F. A. Mews Solicitor    John Cantwell clerk

Codicil B I Samuel Maidment of Durrells Arm Twgate, fisherman, do make this Codicil to my last will, which bears date the 6th day of June 1906. Whereas by my said will I bequeathed to my son John Maidment, all the land with all the erections thereon including Dwelling House stores stable and fishing premises situate at Durrels Arm together with all fishing gear and implement. To Hold the same to him forever.    Now I do hereby Revoke my said will so far as it relates to the said property bequeathed to my son John Maidment. - My desire and wish is now as follows, namely that one half of the whole property so bequeathed to my said son John Maidment shall be given to my daughter Ann Flynn to enjoy during her life and after her death then the said one half of said property shall be given to my Grand Son Samuel Flynn - And I confirm my said will in all other respects Samuel Maidment His x mark Signed by the said Samuel Maidment (by making his mark) the testator as a Codicil to his will in our presence, and in the presence of each other at the same time subscribed our names as witnesses Having been first read over and explained to the said Samuel Maidment who made his mark in our presence. Jno. B. Blandford    S. Magistrate     Nathaniel Petten Head Constable

Be it known and made manifest that whereas I did make a codicil B to my will bequeathing one half of my property to my daughter Ann Flynn and her son Samuel Flyn. I do now by this Codicil cancel the same so far as it relates to my daughter Ann Flynn & her son Saml. Flynn, having by Deed of gift conveyed the said property named in the Codicil, to my daughter Ann Flynn, (h her by Deed of Gift). In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of December A.D. 1908    Samuel his x mark Maidment Signed in the presence of Kate Maidment Charles White

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Feb. 5/10
C. J.
Feb. 8/10
to Arthur
at $824.37



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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