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Will of Henry Locke In re This is the last will and Testament
of me, Henry Locke, formerly Light House Keeper at Cape Norman in the
Island of Newfoundland, but now of St. John’s in the aforesaid
Island. I hereby revoke all wills, codicils and other testamentary dispositions
which may at any time heretofore have been made by me. I direct that,
as a first charge upon my estate, all my just debts funeral and testamentary
expenses be paid. At the death of my said wife Emma Locke. I give and devise to my adopted daughter Martha Rudge all that freehold property with residence situated thereon and known as number one hundred and seventy seven Pleasant Street aforesaid including the garden out buildings and appurtenances thereto belonging and also all my household furniture plate linen china and effects of any kind whatsoever which may be in the said house or on the said premises at the time of the decease of my said wife or at the time of my decease in the event of my said wife dying before me Should the said Martha Rudge die before the said Emma Locke then and in such case the before mentioned property shall become the property of Albert Henry Rudge, son of the aforesaid Martha Rudge. I further will that at the death of my said wife, or at my death should she predecease me all that piece or parcel of freehold land, situated on the Mundy Pond Road purchased by me from one Bishop of Petty Harbour together with the dwelling house outhouses and barn thereupon erected and presently in the tenancy of William Henry Hayter shall become the absolute property of Henry Haytor son of William Henry Haytor aforesaid I direct that within six months of the decease of my wife the surviving executor shall cause all my investments in land and other securities not otherwise specifically referred to herein to be valued, and so far as may be necessary realized and that he pay the following legacies.
Nevertheless should
any of the before mentioned legatees that is to say Henry
Haytor Albert Henry Rudge William Dubber Mary Ann Haytor Susannah
Brewer, Mary Ann Brown, John Decker and Emma
Louisa Rudge die before me or before
my wife Emma Locke then shall their legacies or bequests
revert to my estate and become the property of the residuary legatee
as hereinafter provided. I appoint my adopted daughter Martha Rudge as residuary legatee under this my will. Should she predecease me or my wife Emma Locke then shall the residuary legatees under this will be Emma Louisa Rudge daughter of Martha Rudge aforesaid To
Mr Arthur Ebsary hereinafter appointed an executor of this my
last will and testament. I give the sum of five hundred dollars to be
paid in full out of my estate on the death of my wife Emma Locke and
after the provisions of this will have been carried out; this legacy
is left by me to the said Arthur Ebsary in lieu of any remuneration to
which he might consider himself entitled as an executor of this my will
the said five hundred dollars being to cover all services rendered by
the said Arthur Ebsary legal testamentary and out of
pocket expenses excepted. On this twenty fifth day of June in the
year of our Lord one Thousand nine hundred and twelve I, Henry
Locke do make this codicil to my will of date the fourteenth
day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seven,
as it appears on the other side of this paper. Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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