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Will of Bridget Larkin In re IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN- I, Bridget Larkin of Torbay South, being of sound mind memory and good understanding do make my last will and testament in manner as follows- In consideration of his servitude for Eleven years I do will and bequeath to him Michael Cullen son of Mogue Cullen all my Homestead farm situated at Torbay South District of St. John’s East bounded as follows One portion on the North Side of the road leading thereto and bounded as follows South by the road N by McGraths Woods E by Patrick Larkin W by Mathieu & Brine Quigley and on the South Side of the said road by John Ellard on the South Mathieu Quigley on the West and Patrick Larkin E The same I do will and bequeath to my adopted son Michael Cullen together with my dwelling House and Out Houses OVER- And all other apertenences one Horse and one Cow- Also I do will and bequeath If there
is any money comes to my share from the late Elizabeth Whelans will let
it go for Masses and if there be any clothes let the same be given to Patrick
ONeils wife- Lastly I do will and appoint Patrick ONeil Sole Executor of this
my last will and testament in witness whereof I Bridget Larkin the testator
have to this my last will and testament set my hand and Seal this day Signed sealed published and declared by the above Bridget Larkin on
and for her last will and testament in presence of us who hereunto subscribe
our names at her request who in presence of the said testator and of
each other. CORRECT, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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