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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Patrick Kinsella
Will of Patrick Kinsella
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages 578-579
probate year 1917
In re
Patrick Kinsella deceased.
Jobs Cove July 5th 1916. In
the name of God Amen I Patrick Kinsella of Jobs
Cove Newfoundland do hereby declare that I am ill of body but sound of
mind and being anxious to settle my affairs I do hereby declare the following
to be my last will and testament viz I give and bequeath unto my wife Bridget
Kinsella the full amount of money as credited to me in the Savings Department
of the Bank of Montreal St. John’s N.F. at the time of my death.
I give and bequeath unto my daughter Nellie
Kinsella the full amount of
money as credited to my account in the Newfoundland Savings Bank St. John’s
at the time of my death. It is, understood however that the aforesaid Bridget
Kinsella and the aforesaid Nellie Kinsella will give in proportionate shares
the sum of one hundred Dollars $100.00 to my executor to be used for church
purposes as he thinks fit.
further give and bequeath unto my wife Bridget Kinsella my
house and all my personal belongings in the house I further
give and bequeath unto my wife Bridget Kinsella & unto my daughter
Nellie Kinsella an equal share of the land on the front with my son Andrew to whom I give and bequeath half the land as he now works it. I give and
bequeath further to my son Andrew my cattle and horse and carriage it being
understood however that I wish the other members of my family to have the
use of the horse & carriage
I give and bequeath unto my
sons Timothy & Michael all lands as they have possession of and cultivate
at the time of my death. I hereby declare & appoint the Rev.
Edward O’Brien to be the executor of this my last will and testament after
my death I further hereby do empower the said Rev. Edw. O’Brien to
withdraw all monies from the aforesaid Banks of Montreal & Newfoundland
Savings Bank after my death The aforesaid
last will and testament has been read over to me and I fully understand
its contents and I hereby declare any previous will to be null and void.
Signed by me in the presence of the undersigned witnesses on this fifth
day of July A.D. 1916. - Patrick Kinsella - Witnesses (Rev)
Edw. O’Brien
Winifred Dwyer.
Charles H. Emerson
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
(Listed in the margin of this will)
Johnson J.
Aug. 13/17
Aug 15/17
to (Rev) Edw
sworn at
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Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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