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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Michael Keough



Will of Michael Keough
listed in the Newfoundland will books, volume 17 page 92 probate year 1935

In re Michael Keough       deceased


The Petition of Ellen Philpott of Plate Cove Married woman, humbly sheweth as follows:

  1. Michael Keough, brother of your Petitioner, died at Plate Cove on the 28th day of March, 1935, having first made and executed his Last Will and Testament, which is hereto annexed marked "A".
  2. Under his said Last will your Petitioner was appointed Executrix thereof.
  3. The said Deceased at the date of his death was possessed of property within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court of the probable value of $4228.13 as more particularly appears in the inventory hereto annexed marked "B".
  4. Neither probate to any last will, nor letters of administration to the estate of the said deceased have as yet been granted to any person.

YOUR PETITIONER therefore humbly prays that this Honourable Court may be pleased to grant her Letters of probate to the last will and testament of the said Deceased, and as in duty bound she will ever pray.

Dated the Sixteenth day of December, 1935.       Ellen Philpot


Plate Cove    ss.

I, Ellen Philpott of Plate Cove, Married woman, make oath and say as follows:

  1. I am the Petitioner named in the foregoing petition.
  2. the several matters and things therein contained are just, correct and true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

SWORN at Plate Cove aforesaid
Ellen Philpot
The Sixteenth day of
December, 1935, before me:
Lawrence Moss
Commissioner Supreme Court.


(Hand written)
Last Will and Testament of Michael Keough of And.

I Michael Keough in my sane and sober senses do Will and bequeath my money in the "Bank of Montreal, St. John's, to my brother and sister to be divided as follows: -

To my sister Ellen (can't read the next three words - copy too faded) the sum of three thousand Dollars ($3000.00)
To my brother Andrew Keough the sum of one Thousand dollars ($100.00)
I hereby appoint Mrs. James Philpott (My Sister) to be Executor of this my last Will and testament.
Dated at Plate Cove A.D. (?) 1934.
Michael his X Mark Keough of And.
Witness Wilfred A. Moss     John Heaney


General Description of PropertyValue
Cash in Bank$ 4228.13

Ellen Philpot



Page Contributed by Vince Hunter

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 8, 2002

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