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Will of Michael Keough In re Michael Keough deceased TO THE HONOURABLE THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND The Petition of Ellen Philpott of Plate Cove Married woman, humbly sheweth as follows:
YOUR PETITIONER therefore humbly prays that this Honourable Court may be pleased to grant her Letters of probate to the last will and testament of the said Deceased, and as in duty bound she will ever pray. Dated the Sixteenth day of December, 1935. Ellen Philpot IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND Plate Cove ss. I, Ellen Philpott of Plate Cove, Married woman, make oath and say as follows:
SWORN at Plate Cove aforesaid "A" (Hand written) I Michael Keough in my sane and sober senses do Will and bequeath my money in the "Bank of Montreal, St. John's, to my brother and sister to be divided as follows: - To my sister Ellen (can't read the next three words - copy too faded) the sum of three thousand Dollars ($3000.00) "B"
Ellen Philpot
Page Contributed by Vince Hunter
REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 8, 2002
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