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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
William Kelland


Will of William Kelland
from Newfoundland will books volume 7 page 38 probate year 1901

Last Will and Testament of
William Kelland of Port de Grave
Merchant deceased.

In the Supreme Court

In re William Kelland Port de Grave deceased

Oath of Executor

Probate granted on the 2nd day of March 1901 to Henry Dawe and John B. Dawe

Value of estate $6320.00
Volume 5
Folio 307


The Petition of Henry Dawe and John B. Dawe of Port-De-Grave, Traders.

Respectfully sheweth as follows: -

  1. William Kelland of Port-De-Grave died there on the 18th day of December A.D. 1900 having previously made and executed his Last Will and Testament which is hereto annexed marked "A". The said Will being proved upon the affidavit of Henry Dawe one of the subscribing witnesses thereto.

  2. The said deceased at the time of his death was possessed of property of the value of $6320.00.

  3. No Probate of Will or Letters of Administration of the estate of said deceased have been previously applied for.

Your Petitioner therefore prays that Probate of the Will of the said William Kelland be granted to them.

And as in duty bound will ever pray.

Dated at Port-De-Grave this 28th day of January A.D. 1901.
Henry Dawe
John B. Dawe


Henry Dawe
John B. Dawe

G. A.

In the name of God Amen.

I William Kelland of Port de Grave Conception Bay in the Island of Newfoundland Merchant being of sound mind and memory do make and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner following - That is to say I order that all my just debts to be fully paid and satisfied and after payment thereof and every part thereof

  • First; I give and bequeath to my great nephew William Kelland Bussey son of my niece Fanny Bussey now residing in the United States of America the sum of eight hundred dollars to be given to him as soon after my decease as convenient the remainder of my property whatsoever I die possessed of I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Eliza Kelland

  • And I do hereby nominate and appoint my friends Capt. Henry Dawe and Mr. John B. Dawe executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void any former will by me made and declare this only to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I the said Testator William Kelland have to this my last will and testament affixed my signature this twenty ninth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred (1900)
William his X mark Kelland
Witness Henry Dawe
Harold Andrews

      I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and Testament of William Kelland deceased

D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Jos I. Little
C. J.
granted on the
2nd day of
Mar. 1901 to
Henry Dawe
& John B. Dawe
the Executors
Value of
Est. $6,320.00



Contributed by Raelene Earle

Certification by Registrar and margin comments added by Judy Benson

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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