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Will of Mary Kavanagh In re The last Will and Testament of Mary Kavanagh, wife of Peter Kavanagh of West Corner Brook District of St George, Newfoundland Witnesseth that I Mary Kavanagh aforesaid in view of the uncertainty of life and being of sound mind and memory give and bequeath unto my said Husband, Peter Kavanagh, as Executor of my said Will all my real and personal property wherever situate at the time of my death upon the following conditions That he shall pay or cause to be paid from amount in Savings Bank of the Bank of Montreal at St Johns amounting to about Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars as soon as practicable after my decease the following sums, that is to say, Fifty Dollars to Revd Father Mullins of Curling for Twenty Five Low Masses and Four High Masses for the repose of my soul and to Revd Father Finn of Grand Falls a like amount and for a like purpose to the Altar Society of the Roman Catholic Church Grand Falls Newfoundland Twenty Five Dollars To my Sister Elizabeth O’Rourke of Mall Bay, St Marys Fifty Dollars to my adopted daughter Edith Hopson of Fifty Dollars to my Sister in Law Alice Power of Corner Brook Twenty Five Dollars to my Sister in Law Annie Hayden of Calvert, Ferryland Twenty Five Dollars and the balance of my Estate I give and bequeath to my said Husband Peter Kavanagh excepting only that piece or parcel of land situate at Belle Island, Conception Bay which is a portion of my late fathers, John Harrigan’s Property which I give and bequeath unto my grand niece Annie Squires, daughter of and the late Mary Squires of Saint Philips, St. Johns West Dated at West Corner Brook aforesaid this Thirtieth day of July A D 1925 MARY her X mark KAVANAGH The above instrument having been read over and explained to her, before signing and which she seemed perfectly to understand Witness Charles P Farnell W K Angwin CODICIL Made this Nineteenth day of September A D 1925 Witnesseth that I hereby revoke the Bequests made in my Will as follows namely Fifty Dollars to my adopted daughter Edith Hopson. Twenty Five Dollars to my Sister in Law Alice Power and Twenty Five Dollars to my Sister in Law Annie Hayden and I bequeath to my Sister Elizabeth O’Rourke an additional sum of Twenty Dollars. The balance of my Estate as before going to my said Husband Peter Kavanagh. MARY her X mark KAVANAGH Witnesses to above Codicil after being read over and explained to the said Mary Kavanagh W K. Angwin Alfreda Legge CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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