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Will of Robert Job In re This is the last will and testament of me Robert Job of Liverpool in the County of Lancashire Merchant made and published by me this second day of August in the year One thousand eight hundred & forty nine
I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Job for her own use all my household goods wearing apparel plate linen and furniture of every kind and the sum of five hundred pounds for her own immediate occasions I give and bequeath to my brothers Mr. Samuel Job and Mr. John Job and to my brother-in-law Mr. William Tristram Keightley and to their heirs executors administrators or assigns the residue of my real and personal estate in trust for the benefit of my widow and my dear children desiring as long as she may remain my widow that she may have the full and complete controul in the disposal of the principal monies of my estate at such times and in such proportions as she may see fit whether by will or otherwise for the benefit of our dear children or grandchildren the yearly interest of which is to be paid to my dear wife during her widowhood But in the event of her marriage or of her death then upon my said Trustees I would charge the responsibility of dividing the property of my estate among my dear children rateably share and share alike first deducting from the share of my dear son Robert Hugh the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds which he has already received The share or proportions of my other dear sons William Keightley John Samuel and Daniel Ward not to be paid to them until they shall each attain to the age of twenty five years respectively but this restriction shall not prevent my said Trustees from advancing to either of them such sum or sums as part of their said shares from time to time before they shall attain to the age of twenty five years as they may think will be beneficial to them for their maintenance advancement in life or in finishing their education The shares of my beloved daughters Elizabeth Sarah Jane Isabella and Mary Emily are still to remain in trust for them The annual interest only arising therefrom to be paid to them individually as soon as they shall each attain the age of twenty-five years or be married in which case she or they may receive their share or shares of interest as soon as they shall have attained the twentieth year of their age respectively but this is not to prevent my said Trustees from advancing to either of them my said dear daughters any part of the interest aforesd before the time specified for its payment should they deem it right to do so to finish their education or for their maintenance or advancement in life should either of them die unmarried or being married and leaving no children then the share of such deceased sister to be divided rateably among her surviving brothers and sisters subject however to a life interest in the same and which she is hereby empowered to leave to her husband during his lifetime by her will if she shall think fit But in the event of either of my said daughters being married and should die leaving a child or children then such child or children to take equally among them such deceased parents share as soon as they shall severally attain to the age of twenty five years the interest of the said share to be paid yearly for their benefit during their minority into the hands of their surviving parent should my said trustees see fit to do so.
By the Articles of Co-partnership under which our trade is at present carried on at Saint John's Newfoundland it is therein provided that in case either of the partners should die during the term then that value of his share or part of the business shall be ascertained by reference to the statement furnished of the estimated value of the trade next before such decease should happen. The amount of my one fourth share I should wish to be remitted to my said Trustees as nearly as may be in three yearly equal installments so that the whole may be closed up in three years from the time of my decease to be invested by them in such Government or other securities from time to time as my said Trustees may think fit. My dwelling house in St. John's (Hope Cottage) The River Head Mill property and the Farm on the White Hills as well as the lot of land at the south side of the River head I should wish might be sold as soon as convenient and the proceeds to be remitted to my said Trustees to be invested as aforesaid giving to my said Trustees or either of them his or their executors administrators or assigns full power to sell and transfer the same and if necessary to reinvest from time to time and so often as the interests of the trust of my estate may require it And it is my will that my said Trustees shall not be answerable for the acts of each other but each only for his own acts his or their joining in any receipt or deed for conformity notwithstanding And lastly I appoint the said Samuel Job John Job and William Tristram Keightley executors of this my will In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. Robert Job (Seal) Certified correct,
Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are either hand-written copies or in later years typed copies of a, "last will and testament," written by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor. We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be. |
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013 AST)
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