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Will of James Ivamy
from Newfoundland will books volume 5 page 490 probate year 1890 3 pgs. Will & Probate WILL OF JAMES IVANY In The Name of God, Amen I James Ivamy of New Bonaventure in Trinity Bay Planter being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First, all my fishing room that I own I give to my son Nathaniel when he becomes of age Secondly all other property that I own at my death. I give to my beloved wife to hold and have full control over till my son Nathaniel becomes of age and even then he is to have regard to his Mother and support her while she is a widow should the widow Marry again she is not to lay claim or take one article of furniture from the house unless that she had a prior claim too half the old dwelling house is part of my property this is my last will and Testament in witness where of I place my name.
Witness Geo Field (signed)
Probate 1890 Estate of James Ivany late of New Bonaventure Trinity Bay
, Fisherman deceased. To the Honourable the Supreme Court of our Your Lordships the Judges thereof The petition of William Ivaney of New Bonaventure Trinity Bay in the Colony of Newfoundland, Planter Humbly Sheweth That James Ivaney of New Bonaventure aforesaid Planter died at that place on or about the month of October in the year 1884 being of possessed of property within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court of the probate value of less than eight hundred dollars. That hereunto annexed is the last will and Testament of the said James Ivaney deceased. That the said deceased left him surviving his widow, three children, all of whom are minors and Your Petitioner, a brother of the deceased, also another brother and two sisters. That the said widow has since died. That no application has heretofore been made for Administration _____testament annexed to the said Estate to be granted by Your Honourable Court. That your Petitioners therefore humbly prays that Your Hournable Court or one of Your Lordships the Judges thereof will be pleased to grant unto him letters of Administration ___?____testament annexed to the estate of the said James Ivaney deceased. And as in duty bound Petitioner will ever pray. St.John's this 13th day of October A.D. 1890
To the Honourable the Supreme Court or one of his Lordships the Judges thereof. The Petition of William Ivaney of New Bonaventure Trinity Bay Newfoundland Planter. Humbley Sheweth That Administration __?___ testaments annexed to the Estate of the late James Ivaney of New Bonaventure aforesaid, a brother of your petitioner has been granted to George Adams Esquire. That Nathaniel Ivaney a son of the said deceased and a legatee? under the will is a minor of about fourteen years of age and is without any means of support. That the said Nathaniel Ivaney is now living in the house formerly occupied by his father and an elder sister is also living there that they have no provisions in the said house for the coming winter and no means of obtaining them. Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that Your Honourable Court or one of
your Lordships the Judges thereof will be pleased to allow from the Estate
of the late James Ivaney an annual sum for
the support of the said Nathaniel Ivaney until he comes of
age or is able to support himself. And as in duty bound Petitioner will ever
Page Contributed by Doreen Ivany, Aurora, Ontario July 2005
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Sunday September 30, 2018)
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