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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Reuben Inkpen


Will of Reuben Inkpen
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages 225-226 probate year 1914

In re
      REUBEN INKPEN. deceased

      I Reuben Inkpen of Ship Cove, Burn, Nfld do hereby bequeath all my real & personal estate as herein stated.    I bequeath to my children the share of the Nine hundred dollars invested in St. John’s at Bishop & Sons at 4 ½ % interest my share being one third of capital & interest.     I also leave to my children my one third share of the one hundred & eighty dollars invested in the Bank of Nova Scotia Burin, also one third of the interest accruing therefrom.     I request that my wife be permitted to use any of the aforesaid money when necessary for the benefit of my two children Reginald Reuben Inkpen and Morgan Inkpen.    Should the decease of my two aforesaid children take place I request that all the aforesaid money become the sole property of my brother George Inkpen. I also bequeath my one third share of the schooner and her belongings to my children.    Also my portion being one sixth of the land situate in Ship Cove Burin to my wife & children and one sixth of the proceeds from the sale of ice from the pond.    Should my wife require a house of her own I hereby instruct that a house be built for her & the children the said house to be built according according to the plan & instructions of my Bro Geo Inkpen     Should my wife marry again I decree that her claim to all money land house property of any kind as herein aforesaid stated, cease, become null and void as soon as she remarries.    In the event of the decease of my two children I will that all the land & all on it to become the property of my bro Benjamin Inkpen of Holloway    I do hereby appoint as my sole executor Mr. Ephraim Inkpen of Ship Cove Burin.    Witness my hand at Burin June 12th 1912.    Reuben Inkpen.     Witnessed by Henry Godfrey.    Ephraim Inkpen.    I also will that in the event of the death of my two children my share of the proceeds from the sale of ice become the property of my brothers as herein named Geo R. Inkpen, Lewis Inkpen, John Inkpen.     I hereby will that my executors as herein named shall have power to decide how what money shall be used, or what proportion and from time to time for the maintenance of my children Reuben Inkpen his X mark     Witnesses Henry Godfrey, Geo R. Inkpen his X mark

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Apr 18/14
Admn c.t.a.
June 1:14
Joseph Inkpen
Ephr Inkpen
Lewis Inkpen
Estate sworn
at $900.00



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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