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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Archibald Hutchings


Will of Archibald Hutchings from Newfoundland will books volume 15 page 7 probate year 1929

IN RE                              DECEASED.

Know all men by this last will and testament subscribed by me Archibald Hutchings of Spaniards Bay in the Dominion of Newfoundland. Fully realizing that my earthly sojourn is of short duration but being in possession of my mental faculties and in order to avoid all scruples and doubts hereafter regarding my worldly estate after my decease- I hereby and do now order and bequeath to my beloved wife Elisa Hutchings All my land and property whatsoever with all and singular the erections thereon together with my dwelling house furniture and all chattles including all and singular my worldly goods.
I do further order and say that in consideration of my beloved son Robert George Hutchings being willing to live with and support his mother in her widowhood to the best of his power and ability the aforesaid property with all and singular shall become his at his mothers death.
I also order and say that in the event of my wife Elisa Hutchings ever marrying again at that moment she will forfeit all claim and all the above mentioned land dwelling house and property whatsoever shall go to and become my sons Robert George Hutchings.
Witness my signature
seal          this tenth day of February A.D. 1920


In the presence of the undersigned
J. F. Sheppard J.P
Ebenezer Hutchings

William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
W. J. Higgins
Oct 7/29
Probate granted

on the 7th day
of October
A.D. 1929
Value of estate



Page Contributed by Judy Benson, Sheila Tiberio & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Sunday August 25, 2019)

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