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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Isaac Antle Hussey


Will of Isaac Antle Hussey, from Newfoundland will books volume 15 page78 probate year 1930

IN RE.                    DECEASED


I, Isaac Antle Hussey of Port-de-Grave in the district of Port-de-Grave this twentieth day of June nineteen hundred and twenty nine do swear that I am in sound mind while thus making my last will and testament.
I do hereby bequeath to my wife Emily House and all land pertaining thereto as well as all furniture and household effects. I do also bequeath a mortgage on house in Brooklyn New York U.S.A. Street No 109a Burgen Street.
I do also leave to my wife Emily all moneys in the Bank of Nova Scotia at Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and in the Bank of Nova Scotia at St John's Newfoundland.
I do leave to my grand daughter Ella Lorraine McMillan residing in Brooklyn New York U.S.A. the interest on the sum of three thousand dollars when she reaches the age of twenty one years. This shall continue until she reaches the age of 30 years. Then she shall receive the whole amount of three thousand dollars.
My daughter Mary McMillan residing in Brooklyn New York U.S.A. shall receive the sum of ninety nine cents.
I do also declare that house and land and all pertaining thereto shall become the property of Arthur Batten after the death of me and my wife providing that he lives in the house with us.


Witnessed this
20th day of June 1927
at Port-de-Grave in the
district of Port-de-Grave
Newfoundland by:-
George Hussey X
Levi Ralph.
Samuel Ivimey


William F. Lloyd (Signature)
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

Written in the top right-hand margin:
W.J. Horwood
Dec 23/29
granted to Emily
A. Hussey
on the 2nd day
of January
Value of Estate



Page Contributed by Sheila Tiberio, Judy Benson & Transcribed by Lenora Cooper

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday May 17, 2017)

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