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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Michael Hurley


Will of Michael Hurley
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 page 530 probate year 1909

In re
      Michael Hurley          deceased.

      In the name of God Amen    I Bequeath my Soul to God who gave it me in hopes of a glorious Resurrection at the last day my body to be buried in Lisseths Cove    As for my temporal Goods I dispose of it in the following manner    As for my Son Michael I do bequeath to him the Piece or Parcel of land on the back he cleard himself i have nothing to do with it    as for the Remainder of my Land I do bequeath to Thomas my Son two Parts & to my son Michael one Part and to Thomas my Son I will give to as much uncleared land on the back as Michael have cleared on the back    And it is my wish however or whenever the Land is Sheared    Michael is not to Remove his house without it is his wish    Further the Land is not to be Sheared until the Decease of my self and my wife    there is apiece of land on the Back the Sitings of a half Barl of Seed Potatoes against the well. I do bequeath to my son Maurice in case he comes to ocupy it but he cant Sell it    And whereas if one or the other of my sons leaves it the other is to keep it Fenced and get the Produce without any dispute or hire     Given Under our hands this the fifteenth day of Oct. A.D. 1898    Signed Michael Hurly his x mark     witness Saml. Short witness John Hayden

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Jan 8/09
Johnson J.
adm C.t.a.
Jan 16/09
granted to
Albert Taylor
Hy. Hiscock
sworn at



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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