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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
William Hunt


Will of William Hunt from Newfoundland will books volume 5 pages 397-401 probate year 1889

Last will and Testament
of William Hunt late of
Brigus Conception Bay
Tin Plate worker Deceased

The last will and Testament of William Hunt of Brigus Conception Bay in the Island of Newfoundland Tin Plate worker being weak and feeble of body but of sound disposing mind and memory, and being desirous of settling my worldly affairs and directing how the possession with it has pleased the Almighty God to bless me, shall be disposed of after my decease do make and declare this my last will and Testament. As to my worldly estate and all the property near and personal of which I shall die possessed, or to which at the time of my decease I shall be legally entitled, I devise will, bequeath and dispose thereof in the following manner. That is to say All my just debts, funeral charges and legal expenses shall be paid by my executors hereinafter named out of my estate as soon after my decease as shall by them be found convenient, and I give and bequeath to the sum of two hundred dollars for the purpose of ????? my wake and funeral and for the erection of a monument over my grave and a further sum of two hundred dollars to be paid at such time as they may deem proper to the Rev'd. E. H. Walsh or to his successors as Parish priest of Brigus for the purpose of celebrating and offering masses for the repose of my soul and the souls of my late wife Ellen and nephew John. I give devise and bequeath the sum of one hundred dollars to the Rev'd. Patk O'Donnell of Conception Harbor for the same purpose, and to my dear friend in Christ Mrs. Mary Agnes Banks of the Convent of Mercy Conception Harbor. I bequeath the sum of one hundred dollars $100.00 entreating her prayers and the prayers of her sisters in religion for the repose of my soul and the souls of my dear departed friends Ellen and John Hunt. I give and bequeath the sum of two hundred dollars for the use and benefit of St. Joseph's Convent of Mercy Brigus and the sum of one hundred dollars for the use and benefit of Villa Nova Orphanage beseeching the prayers of the inmates of these institutions for my eternal salvation. I give and bequeath to my sister-in-law Margaret Doherty of St. John's sister of my late wife the sum of two hundred dollars $200.00 on interest to be paid to her by my executor in yearly payments of forty dollars per year, any balance remaining after her decease to go towards the use and benefit of the new R.C. Church of Brigus. And to Richard Doherty of St. John's the husband of the said Margaret Doherty. I give and bequeath all my clothes and wearing apparel, save and except one suit of clothes that my executors, are to give to some needy deserving person in this district for the ????
I give devise and bequeath to my faithful friend Patrick J. Power of Brigus the sum of two hundred dollars $200.00 and also one of my Gold chains trusting that he will see that this my last will shall be faithfully carried out and fulfilled in every respect. I give devise and bequeath to my faithful nurse and housekeeper Agnes Aspell, provided that she continues to keep house and attend on me until the time of my decease the sum of $800.00 in money to be paid to her by my executors hereinafter mentioned within six months after my decease or soon after as be to them convenient, and also all my household furniture, plate, china, beds, bedding, linen, watches, rings, and jewellery of every description not hereinbefore or hereinafter mentioned.
I give and bequeath unto my faithful servant and journeyman John Brien my dwelling house, stores, outhouses, and stock in trade business books and book debts working tools and machines of every description, also the garden and land opposite my said dwelling house on the north side of the Main Street of Brigus with the cellar store and all erections thereon, and also one feather bed, bedding, and bedstead, provided and on this express condition that he will remain in my employ and faithfully conduct my business until the time of my decease, and that he will pay off all debts due on the said stock and stock in trade at the time of my decease.

All the rest and residue of my estate, real, personal or mixed of which I shall die possessed or to which at the time of my decease I shall in anyway be entitled, I give devise and bequeath to the Completion fund use and benefit of the New Roman Catholic Church in Brigus Conception Bay. And I hereby nominate appoint Patrick J. Power and Patrick Hamilton both of Brigus executors of this my last will and testament in case that either of them, my said executors shall be incapacitated or should refuse to act then the other shall be sole executor of this my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand at Brigus aforesaid this 19th day of October in the year of our Lord 1889. W. Hunt. Signed by the said William Hunt the Testator in our presence and acknowledged by him as his last will and Testament and we at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other at the same time subscribe our names as witnesses thereto Thomas Kavanagh Druggist. James Winter General Dealer.
To the last will and Testament of William Hunt of Brigus Tinsmith. I William Hunt of Brigus in the northern district of Newfoundland Tinsmith do make, publish, and declare this to be a codicil to my last will and Testament which will bears date the 19th day of October A.D. 1889. And whereas I have in and by my aforesaid will, given and bequeathed to my servant John Brien the dwelling house, land and premises now occupied and possessed by me, and also the land property and premises opposite my said dwelling house, now I do by this codicil to my said will declare that the intention of that part of my said will is that the said John Brien is to have the use benefit, occupation, possession and enjoyment of the said dwelling house, land premises and property on both sides of the road free and undisturbed during the full term of his natural life on the conditions mentioned in the aforesaid will, without any power of selling or disposing of the said premises or any part thereof to any other person or persons, but to become the property of legitimate heirs of his body after his decease and in case that the said John Brine should die without leaving any such lawful issue or legitimate heirs of his body then and in that case the said dwelling house, land premises and property are to go to the use and benefit of the Roman Catholic Church of Brigus forever. In all other respect I the said William Hunt do hereby confirm my said will, and it is my desire that this my present codicil shall be annexed to my said will and to all intents and purposes become part and parcel thereof.
In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand this 31st day of October in the year of our Lord 1889. William Hunt. Signed by the said William Hunt the Testator as a codicil to his will in our presence, and we in his presence and in the presence of each other at the same time subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. Thomas Kavanagh Druggist, James Winter General Dealer.
I certify the foregoing a correct copy.

Chief Clerk & Registrar



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Thursday May 17, 2018)

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