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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Nicholas Goding


Nicholas Goding (Godden) of New Perlican 1718

Hampshire Records Office – 1718 B21/2


The words & will made by NICHOLAS GODIN of (the word Trinity crossed out and replaced with) NEW PERLICAN Harbour in Newfoundland in the presence of STEPHEN BARNES & JOHN LEAMOR (or SEAMOR) both of NEW PERLICAN was as followeth that after the death & funeral charges were paid that then the money lying in MOSES KITTIER’s hands in RINGWOOD should be divided between his FOUR CHILDREN in equall portions (viz) KATHARINE NICHOLASS JAMES & MARY GODING & lastly that all his effects in Newfoundland should remain to HIS WIFE KATHARINE GODING during her life & after her decease return to his four children abovesaid.

Sepbr 22d Ano 1718

I STEPHEN BARNES & JOHN SEMER of NEW PERLICAN do make oath that this above sd writing is the words & last will & testament of NICHOLAS GODING deceased late of (looks like the word Perlican is written directly over the word Trinity) so help me God.



Trinity 22 Sept 1718 this day

Stephen Barnes and Jno Seamor made oth to ? of the above mentioned befor mee

Jno Durell? A? Trinity Harbor

Note: This probate document is likely linked to the will of Nicholas Goding dated 1685 (1718 B21/1), ie it may be the same person as the first will was written when he was leaving for Newfoundland.



Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Uxbridge, Ontario March 22, 2008

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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