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The Will of Nicholas Godin Junior - 1685 Hampshire Records Office – 1718 B21/1
In the Name of God Amen. This ffifth day of March in the year of our lord god one thousand six hundred eighty five I NICHOLAS GODIN JUNIOR of AVON in the parish of SOPLEY in the COUNTY OF ?, Seaman being of perfect memory and knowing that all flesh is frail do make and ordain my last will and testament in manner & form following. First Igive and bequeath my soul into the hands of Jesus Christ my God to be buried & I give unto my FFATHER NICHOLAS GODIN the sum of twenty pound & I give unto my BROTHER WILLIAM GODIN the sum of five pound & I give unto my BROTHER JOHN GODIN the sum of five pound & I give unto my BROTHER JAMES GODIN the sum of five pound & I give unto my SISTER MARY GODIN the sum of five pound & I give unto my SISTER HANNA GODIN the sum of five pound & I ordain to be my Executor of this my last will and testament my ffather NICHOLAS GODIN of AVON in the parish of SOPLEY in the County of SOUTH ? man to pay these legacies above expressed in twelve months next after my disease (note, likely should be decease). In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of March Ano Domo 1685. NICOLAS GODIN his mark JAMES COLLINS ELIZABETH COLLINS her mark A further paragraph is written in Latin, date 27 dio Decembrio 1718 - the name Moses Kittier of Ringwood is mentioned, and possibly the name Catherine. Note: This probate document is likely linked to the probate doc of Nicholas Goding dated 1718 (1718 B21/1), ie this will was written when he was leaving for Newfoundland as a young man, and the later document after he was married with 4 children.
Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Uxbridge, Ontario March 22, 2008
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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