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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Sir Hugh W. Hoyles


Will of Sir Hugh W. Hoyles from Newfoundland will books volume 5 pages 218-220 probate year 1888

Last will and Testament fo Sir
Hugh Hoyles late of Halifax Nova Scotia
Knight deceased

This is the last will and Testament of me Hugh W Hoyles of Toronto Knight, as follows. I revoke all former wills, I give devise and bequeath to my executors hereinafter named & their heirs all my estate real & personal upon trust to invest the same to the best advantage and out of the annual proceeds thereof in the first place to pay to my wife Jean Hoyles during her life the sum of two thousand dollars annually and also any further sum which by reason of sickness expense of travel or other unforeseen contingences she may require for her comfortable maintenance and after the payment of such monies upon trust to divide the residue of such annual proceeds amongst my children equally to whom after my wives decease the whole of my said estate is to belong in equal shares as tenants in common.
I further direct that my daughters share of both proceeds and principal shall be for her sole and separate use independently of the debts or control of any husband and to such uses as she shall by writing ?????? that be deposed of her making appointment of the whole of her shares during her life or by her will the residue undisposed of shall be divided amongst her children her surviving and in the event of no appointment and no surviving children such residue shall be divided one half to her present husband if her surviving and the other half to her next of kin.
I also direct that in the distribution of my property (proceeds and principal) the children of any of my deceased children shall represent their deceased parent and that the amounts advanced by me beyond personal and educational expenses to my sons Newman & Hugh as appearing in their accounts in my small red ledger shall be deemed parts of their shares of my estate. I appoint my said wife and my son Newman executors of this my will
(Signed) Hugh W. Hoyles. Signed published and declared by the said testator as his last will in our presence who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereto signed our names as witnesses at Toronto this 21st day of January A.D. eighteen hundred and eighty one (sgd) Frederick Moffatt (Sgd) Chas. Wright.
By this codicil to my foregoing will I the said testator Hugh W. Hoyles do direct and declare that my executors shall have full power and authority to sell and dispose of all or any part of my landed property as they may think fit for the better realisation and distribution of my estate. (Sgd) Hugh W Hoyles. Signed published and declared by the said testator as a codicil to his will in our presence who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereto signed our names as witnesses at Toronto this 27th day of April A.D. 1881 (Sgd) C. W. Thompson of Toronto Law Student. (Sgd) E.W. ??? of Toronto.
Whereof these letters testimonial and sworn
Given at Toronto in the county of York to the time of the aforesaid search and the date of these presents this fifth day of March A.D.
I.G. Brown Registrar.
I certify that the foregoing is a correct copy
D. M. Browning



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Monday September 02, 2013)

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