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Will of Israel Howlett In re The last will and testament of Israel Hewlett of Roberts Arm Newfoundland. I Israel Hewlett of Roberts Arm of Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland, being of sound mind do make this my last will and testament. I bequeath all money in my possession at the time of my death to my wife Thirza Howlett, and my daughters Daisy Hewlett, Minnie Hewlett, Marjorie Hewlett and Stella Hewlett, the same to be divided equally among them. My house and household effects I bequeath to my wife Thirza Hewlett to be hers as long as she shall see fit to occupy it, but should she decide to leave Roberts Arm, the same house and household effects, with the exception of my bed, shall belong to my three sons, Gabriel Hewlett, Arlanda Hewlett and Allan Hewlett the same to be divided equally among them. All my cattle shall be divided in equal shares between my wife Thirza Hewlett, and my brother Samuel Hewlett. I do appoint my three sons Gabriel Hewlett, Arlanda Hewlett and Allan Hewlett as guardians of my brother Samuel, to be cared and provided for during his life, and no business of any kind to be transacted by him without their consent, as my brother Samuel Hewlett is of unsound mind and incapable of transacting any business. All my fishery outfit such as traps, boats, nets, rope etc. shall be divided equally between my wife Thirza Hewlett, and my sons Gabriel Hewlett and Allan Hewlett, my wife Thirsa Hewlett is to get her lawful part of earnings from such share, each year, as long as she shall live at Roberts Arm, but should she decide to go elsewhere to live, her share then shall belong to my son Arlanda Hewlett. I do appoint Thomas Roberts of Pilleys Isld and Robert Verge of Pilleys Isld, to be sole executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I do this eleventh day of September A.D. 1923. Sign and seal this my last will and testament in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. ISRAEL his X mark HEWLETT We the undersigned hereby certify that we were present and did see Israel Hewlett mark the cross as above and do witness the same this eleventh day of September A. D. 1923. Witnesses. Thomas Roberts. Robert Verge J.P. A. J. Hewlett. CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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