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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
James Howe


Will of James Howe
from Newfoundland will books volume 7 pages 73-74 probate year 1901

Last Will and Testament of
James Howe of St. John's
Gentleman deceased.

In the name of God Amen -

I James Howe of Saint John's Newfoundland do hereby make and ordain this as and for my last will and Testament hereby revoking all other and former wills Testaments and codicils by me at any time hitherto made. In the event of my death and after the payment of my just debts, funeral and Testamentary expenses. I hereby give and bequeath to my wife Mary Selina all my right title and interest in the leasehold dwelling house on Military Road now occupied by Mrs. Philip D. White. Also my Government debentures for Thirty five hundred & fifty three dollars viz $3375 + $175 - after she has taken her own belongings and gives up peaceable possession of Caledonia Cottage with all its contents as hereinafter mentioned.
I will and desire that a gift of one hundred dollars be sent to my sister Mrs. Elizabeth Sheppard now residing at Collingwood Ohio United States of America.
Also that a gift of Twenty five pounds sterling be sent to my sister Mrs. Jane Diamond now residing at 34 Dorinda Street Burnsbury London England.
Also that a gift of one hundred dollars be sent to Melina Stabb now residing at Montreal Canada to be for her sole use and benefit without being subject to the control of any one
All these amounts to be paid by my executor within six months after my decease.

I hereby give and bequeath to my son James Rainbird Howe, now residing in Toronto Canada the contents of my wardrobe also my gold watch and chain and appendages. Also silver watch and guard. Also one half of all my Freehold property situated in the East End of the Town and known as Caledonia Cottage outhouses and Grounds and one half of all my household furniture, books flake chest and contents, oil paintings and other pictures and everything else belonging to me in the said Caledonia Cottage. The other half of everything to my Grand daughter Emma Mara Howe. The Chickering piano to my son James Rainbird Howe. The English piano and the Cauldron organ - also all the jewellry viz rings brooches etc etc and the small heart shape watch set with diamonds with gold or silver chain & all appurtenances to my grand daughter Emma Mara Howe. I also hereby give and bequeath to my son James Rainbird Howe one half of my shares in the Iron Foundry Boot & Shoe Company Electric Light company Cartage Company Nail Factory and English Schooner "Energy" Also one half of any other money and property that does or may belong to me. The other half of everything to my Grand daughter Emma Mara Howe their heirs executors administrators and assigns for their use support and maintenance.

The amount due me by Arthur S. Rendell also the amount to be received for my Life Insurance in the Royal with any other money belonging to me in any and every way after the before mentioned amounts have been paid. I wish to be invested in good and safe Government securities and to be divided equally between my son James Rainbird Howe and my Grand daughter Emma Mara Howe their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. When my grand daughter Emma Mara comes of age say 21 she can have full control of her own share of everything under the supervision of my executor who is also her guardian.
I will and desire that the sum of Two Hundred dollars be sent soon as convenient after my death, to my son James Rainbird Howe at present residing at 349 Church Street Toronto Ontario Canada, to enable him to bring his wife and family down here to take charge of the property as herein mentioned. I hereby appoint and nominate Arthur S. Rendell as my sole executor, who is to get paid for his services at the rate of Two per cent. Witness my hand at Saint John's Newfoundland this Twelfth day of October A.D. 1899 (sgd) J. Howe (LS) witness (sgd) John Canning. (Sgd) A. T. St. Hill
(Notes in the margins)
Gold Locket
watch guard &
Mahogany writing
desk given to my
wife on March 23rd
1901 J. Howe

Boot and shoe
Shares given to
my wife. J. Howe
on March 23 1901

I wish it clearly understood that all and every interest conveyed to my grand daughter Emma Mara Howe by the within will is to be managed by my executor and the income alone to be paid her during her lifetime or to her heirs. (Sgd) J. Howe March 23rd 1901

      I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and Testament and Codicil of James Howe deceased

D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
D. Morison
granted on
the 17th day of
June 1901 to
Arthur S.
the executor
Value of
Est. $13,600



Page Contributed by Sheila Tiberio, Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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