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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Joseph Hopkins


Will of Joseph Hopkins from Newfoundland will books volume 5 pages 247-252 probate year 1888

Last will and Testament of
Joseph Hopkins late of Hearts
Content Merchant deceased.

I Joseph Hopkins of Heart's Content in the Island of Newfoundland planter, do make this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. First. I give and bequeath to my wife Ann Hopkins all my household furniture books plate pictures and other articles of personal property in my dwelling house except the centre table in my drawing room my piano and sewing machine.

Second. I give and bequeath to my said wife and such of my daughters as shall be unmarried at the time of my decease the land situate in the north east cove at Heart's Content with the store wharf and erections thereon and all moneys belonging to me at the time of my decease with the exception of sixty six pounds bequeathed to my daughter Emily to be disposed of and used as they may deem best towards their support and maintenance.

Third. I give and bequeath to my sons Joseph and William share and share alike all gear and materials used in the prosecution of the fisheries.

Fourth. I give and bequeath to my executors hereinafter named the land with all dwelling house thereon & the yards lands and passages immediately adjoining thereto and used therewith now occupied by me also the land with the stable thereon in the rear of the said dwelling house also my dwelling house and premises now occupied by Dr. Anderson as tenant upon trust for the use of my wife and unmarried daughters and the survivor of them being unmarried and after the decease of my said wife and the marriage or decease of my said daughters upon trust to sell the said lands dwelling houses and premises mentioned in this clause and to divide the proceeds equally among my sons and daughters the children of a deceased son or daughter to take the deceased parents share subject nevertheless as regards the said dwelling house & all and singular the said appurtenances now occupied by me to the proviso contained in the sixth clause of this will which provides that my son William may take the same if he prefer so to do in lieu of certain property therein bequeathed to him and I direct and will that if he shall so do there the said property which he shall give up shall be held by my executors in trust to sell the same and to divide the proceeds at the time and in manner hereinbefore in this clause directed and before such sale to hold the same in trust for my said wife and unmarried daughters and the survivor of them. -

Fifth. I give and bequeath to my son Joseph my schooner "Two brothers" with all her boats furniture and appurtenances also the outside wharf and the whole of the fish store also the ?????? loft with the store underneath ?? attached thereto being both on the outside wharf also the coal store and the loft over the same situate on the north side of the road leading to the inside wharf also the southern half of my dockyard and workshop thereon also the small garden south of the said workshop also that part of my office lately occupied as a post office also the land with the dwelling house outhouses and erections thereon now occupied by Alphonso Coupard also the northern half of my farm on the Carbonear road also the garden known as "Martin's garden" situate on the hill adjoining the Anglo American Telegraph Company's property also that piece of waterside property to the north of the outside wharf between the bridge leading to Thomas Hopkins' stage and Thomas Hopkins' flake and also the steampot.

Sixth. I give and bequeath to my son William my schooner "Flash" with all her boats furniture and appurtenances also the inside wharf retail store and stable also the northern half of my dockyard with the ice house thereon also that part of my office which I always use as my office also the hay field in the rear of property occupied by A. R. Martin also the Southern half of my farm on the Carbonear road also all the land with the dwelling house and erections thereon now occupied by A. R. Martin also the fourth part of the bank garden next the water, including the waterside west of that portion of the band garden hereinafter bequesthed to my daughter Charlotte provided that if after the decease of my wife my son William should prefer the house and premises I now occupy mentioned in the fourth clause of this will to the house and premises now occupied by A. R. Martin mentioned in this clause he may take the former in lieu of the latter and the house and premises now occupied by A. R. Martin shall in such case be held by my said executors in trust for the purposes mentioned in the fourth clause instead of the house and premises I now occupy.

Seventh. I give and bequeath to my daughter Emily the land with the dwelling house and erections lately occupied by A. A. Thompson together with the lane leading thereto also my sewing machine also the southern half of the bank garden including the waterside leaving a road six feet long the eastern side of the garden hereby bequeathed to Emily for the purpose of a passage way for my son William to his part of the said bank garden and also the sum of sixty six pound in cash.

Eighth. I give and bequeath to my daughter Charlotte the land with the dwelling house & erections thereon lately occupied by herself and her husband also the fourth part of the bank garden west of and adjoining the said land leaving a road six feet wide along the south side of the land or garden now bequeathed to Charlotte for the purposes of a passage way for my son William to his part of the said land garden the land and property in this clause bequeathed to Charlotte is to be held by her as her sole and separate estate for life and after her decease I give and bequeath the same to her eldest son Joseph and should he die before his mother then I give and bequeath the same to the eldest surviving son and should she leave no son her surviving the same shall be divided equally amongst her daughters.

Ninth. I give and bequeath to my daughter Louisa the land with the dwelling house and erections thereon and the kitchen garden in rear thereof now occupied by Andrew Bailey Showalter also the centre table excepted in the first clause of this will.

Tenth. I give and bequeath to my daughter Jemima the land with the land with the dwelling house and erections thereon now occupied by Mr. Bartlett and also the piano excepted in the first clause.

Eleventh. All the bequests herein made to my daughters shall be held to their sole & separate use.

Twelfth. It is my will that should my son William prefer to take the house and premises I now occupy as provided in the sixth clause then my son Joseph shall have the stable in rear thereof to remove it from the land unless he sells it or rents it to my son William.

Thirteenth. It is my will that until my daughters marry the rents of the properties bequeathed to them do form a general fund with the other bequests made for the benefit of my wife and unmarried daughters for the support of my wife and unmarried daughters living together but as each daughter shall marry she shall take the property bequeathed to her.

Fourteenth I give and bequeath my schooners "Charlotte" and "William" to my executors hereinafter named upon trust to the use of my said sons Joseph and William so long as they shall agree to give the same in cooperation and if or when they shall refuse or omit to ??? the Copartnership these Schooners shall be sold and my executor shall divide the proceeds between my said two sons share and share alike.

Fifteenth. I give all the residue of my estate not hereby bequeathed to my said wife.

Sixteenth I appoint Adam R. Martin of Hearts Content aforesaid telegraph operator and Moses Moore of the same place fisherman executors of this my will.
Dated at Hearts Content aforesaid this eighth day of June A.D. eighteen hundred and eighty six. Joseph his X mark Hopkins

Signed by the said Joseph Hopkins as and for his last will and testament in our presence who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the due execution hereof the same having been first clearly and distantly read over and explained to the said Joseph Hopkins in our presence. Witnesses James H. Moore Ebenezer Legge.
Correct copy
D. M. Browning



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Monday September 02, 2013)

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