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Will of Hugh Hoey from Newfoundland will books volume 14 page 275 probate year 1928 In re DECEASED. This is the last will and testament of HUGH HOEY of Searin in the County of
Armagh made this ninth day of February one thousand nine hundred and twenty
six. I revoke all former wills or any other testamentary dispositions heretofore
made by me. I appoint my sisters Alice Collins and Mary Murphy my Executrices
and Trustees. I leave all my property of every nature and kind unto my said
executrices and Trustees Upon Trust to realize same and to divide same into
three equal parts. One equal part my executrices and trustees are to apply
for the benefit of my child, one third part my executrices trustees are to
apply for the benefit of my said sister Alice Collins and her children, and
the remaining one third part my executrices and trustees are to apply for the
benefit of my sister Katie and her children. If it should happen that my child
should predecease me or die before attaining the age of twenty one years or
before marriage then the one third share I have bequeathed to her is to be
equally divided between my said sisters Alice and Katie. As witness my hand
the day and year aforesaid. CORRECT (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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