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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
John Hiscock


Will of John Hiscock
from Newfoundland will books volume 6 pages 582-583 probate year 1900

Last will and Testament of
John Hiscock of St. John’s
Seaman deceased

      I John Hiscock of number 10 Hayward Avenue St. John’s Newfoundland declare this to be my last will and Testament. I devise and bequeath all my right title and interest in the Houses Nos 10, 12 14 and 16 respectively and my interest in the land on which they stand situate in Hayward Avenue in trust for my son John Albert Hiscock for his sole use and benefit. I bequeath to him also (my just debts being paid) whatever moneys may remain of a deposit note for Five hundred and ten dollars and all other moneys arising from rents or from any source whatever to which I may be entitled at my death. I bequeath to him also, all my household effects and whatever property I may be possessed of at the time of my death.
And I hereby appoint Albert Hudson Martin Lumber Merchant of St. John’s Newfoundland to have and control the use of all the income of the said property for the benefit of my said son John Albert Hiscock until he attain the full age of twenty one years. And the said Albert Hudson Martin shall be entitled to and shall receive Five per cent per annum of the rental arising from the said house property as a remuneration for his services in this behalf. Any monies accruing annually when in the opinion of the said Albert H. Martin all just claims upon the Estate have been satisfied shall be deposited in the Government Saving’s Bank for the benefit of my said son John Albert Hiscock. I hereby commit to the said Albert H. Martin all title deeds deposit notes and Bank Books relating to this estate, of all which he shall render a just account to my son John Albert Hiscock, when being of age he shall be entitled to the same. And I further direct that in the event of my said son John Albert hiscock dying unmarried, or leaving no lawful widow or children, the said estate and all interest in it shall revert without hindrance or condition to the Rector and Churchwardens for the time being of the Parish of Saint Thomas in this city to be disposed of by them as in their discretion they shall deem best to constitute a permanent endowment for the said Parish. All the foregoing relates to my property in Saint John’s. I possess also a small piece of freehold land in Trinity Newfoundland this I also bequeath to my son John Albert Hiscock and in the event of his dying unmarried or leaving no lawful widow or children I direct that this piece of land situate in trinity shall become the property of St. Pauls Church Trinity.
Dated at St. John’s Newfoundland December 15th 1899. (Sgd) John his x mark Hiscock. Signed and delivered in the presence of (sgd) Henry Dunfield. (Sgd) George Hiscock. I hereby appoint the aforesaid Albert H. Martin my sole Executor. (Sgd) John his x mark Hiscock witness (sgd) Henry Dunfield (sgd) George Hiscock

      I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and Testament of John Hiscock deceased

D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
D. Morison
granted to
Albert H. Martin
the Exor.
April 8: 1900
sworn under



Page Contributed by Sheila Tiberio, Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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