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Will of Sarah Jane Hipson In re I Jane Sarah Hipson of St. John’s, Newfoundland, Widow, declare this to be my last Will and Testament. First. I give & bequeath to my brother William Carnell, all my land with Dwelling House thereon No 118 Quidi Vidi Road, to have & enjoy during his lifetime, and it is my will that after the death of the said William Carnell the said Land & Dwelling is to become the property of my sister Hannah Carnell. To my niece Mabel Parsons, I give my Walnut Bureau and Washstands. The remaining Furniture, I wish to have sold, and the income thereof to be held in Trust, the interest of which to be devoted to the upkeep of the Grave Plots in the Church of England Cemetery. To my Brother Thomas Carnell now residing in Boston U.S.A. I give One Hundred Dollars. All other moneys remaining after payment of dues, debts, & demands, funeral expenses or otherwise, I give to my sister Hannah Carnell. I appoint my Brother William Carnell to be my sole Executor to this my last Will & Testament. JANE S HIPSON Signed & declared by Jane Sarah Hipson (Widow) to be her last Will and Testament in our presence, in whose presence and in the presence of each other we subscribe our names as witnesses. George Cumming Frederick Collier Dated this Fifth day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred & Twenty two. Whereas I Jane Sarah Hipson,
have to my last Will & Testament, bearing
date the Fifth day of April A D One thousand nine hundred & Twenty
two, given & bequeathed to my Brother Thomas Carnell residing
in Boston U.S.A. One Hundred Dollars, being desirous of altering
my Will in respect to the said legacy, do hereby revoke the
said legacy Signed & dated this Twelfth day of March A.D. One Thousand nine Hundred & Twenty four. in our presence. JANE HIPSON George Cumming Frederick Collier as witnesses. CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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