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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Richard Hicks


Will of Richard Hicks
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages 264 to 266 probate year 1914

In re
      RICHARD HICKS       deceased.

This is the last will and testament of the undersigned Richard Hicks of Catalina Newfoundland Master Mariner    I Richard Hicks being of sound mind memory and understanding do hereby will devise bequeath as follows:-    To my wife Tryphenia Ann Hicks I give and bequeath all my money     I also give and devise to her all my property. For she to have full control of same so long as she shall live. After the death of my wife Tryphenia Ann Hicks I do hereby will devise bequeath as follows:-
1st I give and devise to my son Gordon Hicks all that piece of property called the potatoe garden situated near the late Samuel Edwards also the fourth part of land by Thorburn Street (the eastern end) also the fourth part of the water side from the Hill to the water the eastern part. Also the furniture in the parlor with the exception what I leave to my daughter.
2nd I give and devise to my son Boyd Hicks all the marsh land known as the old Cabbage garden near Edwards.    Also piece of property back of the stable bounded on the West by Helen’s property. Also the fourth part of land by Thorburn Street, next to Gordon’s part. Also the fourth part of the water side from the Hill to the water next to Gordon’s part. Also Bed beding and all furniture in the back bedroom in which he slept.
3rd I give and devise to my son Norman Hicks half of the garden in front of my dwelling house. The fourth part of land on Thorburn Street next to Boyd’s part. The fourth part of the water side next to Boyd’s part. Also the Hill on the water side of the Main Street, bounded on the West by Samuel Hicks property, and on the East by road leading to Bremner’s old place. Also the old Store that is on the property and all that is into it.     If sufficient room to build two dwelling houses I wish for you to let my son Gordon build one if he wants to do so.    I also give and devise half of my part of the potato garden in front of Isaac J. Mifflen dwelling house. (The South part) Also all of the furniture in the spare bedroom including Bed and Beding.
4th I give and devise to my son John Hicks my dwelling house all the furniture in the dining room (with the exception of the Organ) All the furniture in my own Bedroom and all furniture and utensils in kitchen. Also my part of the stable but the stable is to be removed on the property where the water closet is.    Also half of the garden in front of my dwelling house, the fourth part of the property on Thorburn Street. The Western part next to Norman’s.    Also the fourth part of the water side next to Samuel Hicks property, And half of my part of the potato garden in front of Isaac John Mifflen’s dwelling house (the North part)
5th I give and devise to my daughter Dottie Marie Hicks. The Organ. Two enlarged photos of her mother and father. Also the watnot and all that is on it. And all that is in her own bedroom.    I also give and bequeath to my daughter Dottie Marie Hicks Fifty dollars per year until she attains to the age of twenty over and above her proportional share of all Cash left after the death of my wife. I wish it to be understood that all my son’s and daughter shall share and share alike in whatever money or cash would be left- But in event of their being no money left I further wish it to be understood that my daughter shall get her fifty dollars per year until the age of twenty. From my son’s or otherwise they shall forfeit their part of property. All the property mentioned herein is situate in N. E. Arm of Catalina aforesaid.     And I do hereby constitute and appoint Albert Lodge of Catalina aforesaid as the executor of this my last will and testament. I hereby revoke all other wills and testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made.    In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal at Catalina aforesaid this fourteenth day of March one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. Richard Hicks (LS)     Signed sealed published and declared by said Richard Hicks as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses hereof Dougal White (LS)     James Stuart Courage

Codicil I Richard Hicks do hereby give to my son Boyd Hicks my dwelling house until my son John Hicks gets married and should require it. And then he is to help Boyd to build one.

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Aug 26/14
Johnson J.
Septr 11/14
granted to
Albert Lodge
Estate sworn
at $4265.00



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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