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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Patrick Hickey


Will of Patrick Hickey from Newfoundland will books volume 14 pages 379-380 probate year 1928

In re       DECEASED.

I, Patrick Hickey of Outercove in the electoral district of St. JOHN"S (eastern division) FISHERMAN being of sound and disposing mind memory and disposition do make this my last will and testament.

  1. I hereby revoke all wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.
  2. I give and bequeath to my wife Maria Hickey during her lifetime and after her death to my son David Hickey all that land and premises known as "Briens" where I now live together with all my household furniture and effects and also my land at Slaters Hill
  3. I give and bequeath my land and premises known as "Foxs Place" to my son James Hickey and Michael Hickey to be shared by them as they now occupy same, excepting the wooded portion of such land adjoining Patricks Fox's place, which I leave to my son David Hickey.
  4. I give and bequeath the land with house barn and cellar situate by the river at Outercove to my son Thomas Hickey.
  5. I will and direct that the storehouse near the beach at Outercove shall be for the common use of all my sons.
  6. I will and bequeath my fishing room flakes and stages at Outercove (except that portion now held by my son Michael, which I hereby confirm to him) FOR THE joint use of my three sons James, Thomas and David while they work together and ultimately to my son David.
  7. I give and bequeath my two codtraps, trap-boat and fishing gear to my son David Hickey.
  8. I give and bequeath the piece of ground upon which a fishing flake is now erected adjoining the ground occupied by my son Michael Hickey to my son James Hickey.
  9. I give and bequeath the forty acres of wood land on the south side of Rocky Hills and known as the "Cobbler" to my son David Hickey.
  10. I GIVE AND bequeath the land and property known as "John Stacks Place" TO MY SON Thomas Martin Hickey excepting thirty acres of same which is wooded land and which I bequeath one half to my son Thomas Hickey and the other one-half to my son David Martin Hickey
  11. I give and bequeath my two horses and three cows to my son David Hickey.
  12. I give and bequeath to my wife Maria Hickey for her use during her life time all moneys whether in bank or, otherwise including the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars ($650.00) DUE to me by the Rev D. O'Callahan for her use during her lifetime and after her death the same to be divided equally between my daughters Margaret wife of Maurice Brien, Maria wife of William Hickey, and Catherine wife of James Devereaux. Nothing herein contained, however, is to prevent my wife from expending said moneys or any portion thereof should she deem it desirable or necessary for her better support and maintenance.
  13. It is my will and desire and the bequests herein to my son David are made upon the express condition that he will keep maintain and support my wife Maria Hickey during her lifetime and upon her death make suitable provision for her burial.
  14. It is my further will and desire and the bequests herein contained to my several sons are expressly conditioned upon my said son being sons bearing equally the costs of my funeral and testamentary expenses, including death duties.
  15. I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Maria Hickey and my son Michael Hickey as executors hereof. executor of this my last will and testament

Signed published and declared as and for his last will and testament by the said testator Patrick Hickey in our presence present at the same time who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses this 19th day of May A.D. 1924.
(having been first read over and explained and approved)
Michael Doran
Wm R. Howley.

William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Listed next to items 2, 10 and 15, the initials of the testator and the two witnesses W.H.R P.H. and M.D. are written to verify items that were struck out or altered.)
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Nov 19/28.
J. M. Kent
Probate granted
Maria Hickey
Michael Hickey
on the 30th day of
November A.D. 1928
value of Estate



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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