Will of Richard Hennebury
from Newfoundland will books volume 3 pages 463 to 466 probate year 1876
(This name is spelled Hennebury and Henebury in the will and Hennebury
in the will index)
This information from the Newfoundland Supreme Court
Volume 4
Folio 169 (Same will listed in both places)
Probate May 26, 1876
Richard Hennebury
To the Honorable John Maynard Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court, presiding in the Said Court on the Northern Circuit at Harbor Grace
The Petition of James Daly of Bay Roberts in the Northern District of Newfoundland - Accountant
Humbly Showeth
That Richard Hennebury late of Bay Roberts in the Northern District of Newfoundland Merchant deceased died at Sea on or about the twentieth day of March last past having first executed his last Will and Testament which is hereto annexed and having appointed Your Petitioner and Patrick Kenney of Port de Grave his Executors
That the said Patrick Kenney has duly xxnounced and Your Petitioner is now sole Executor xxx the Will of deceased.
Your Petitioner therefore prays that Your Lordship will grant him Probate of the Will of the said Richard Hennebury -
And as in duty bound
Your Petitioner will pray
James Daly LS
In Re
Richard Hennebury deceased
In the name of God Amen.
I Richard Henebury of Bay Roberts Island of Newfoundland Merchant being of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death do make and appoint this my last will and testament in manner following viz After all my lawful debts shall have been paid in full by my three sons Mark Henebury, James Henebury, and Patrick Henebury I give and bequeath to my said three sons Mark, James, and Patrick all my property situate in Labrador exclusive of fishing rooms, to be equally divided between them, the fishing plantation known as Warrens Room and which I purchased from the estate of Matthew H. Warren, together with all rooms on Warrans side of the cove I give and bequeath to my son Mark, to my son James I give and bequeath the fishing room known as Sullivans with all the beach between the boundary stone and the flagstaff, together with all the rooms situate at Red Island and Caseys Cove also the room occupied by Richard Forristal. To my son Patrick I give and bequeath the Main Room occupied by myself, together with the rooms lately occupied by Edward Skanes and Wharford Bros. with all erections thereon, The store to be jointly occupied by my three sons as each may require them. To my son Mark I give and bequeath the Brigantine "Brighton" together with all her boats, guns and all material to her belonging also the schooner "Prosperity" with all her material. To my two sons James Henebury and Patrick Henebury I give and bequeath the brig "Anastatia" with all her material also the schooner "Lovely Mary" to be equally shared between them, The house, property, and furniture now occupied by my son Mark I give and bequeth to my grandson Richard Henebury son of Mark and Mary Henebury, giving my said son Mark the occupancy of the same during his natural life, That portion of the dwelling house which I now occupy, I give to my son Patrick, and that portion now occupied by my son James I give and bequeath to him, the kitchen and flower gardens belonging thereto to be equally divided between them. The farm formerly known as Packs property to be equally divided between my three sons James, Mark, and Patrick.
The furniture in each portion of the house in which I now reside to remain as it now stands and to be given to the respective occupants thereof, save and except a sofa, chairs &c purchased by my grand daughter Margaret O'Neill daughter of Phillip and Mary O'Neill which I give and bequeath to her, The wharves and stores to be used and occupied jointly between my three sons Mark, James, and Patrick. To my grand son Richard O'Neill, son of Phillip and Mary O'Neill the house and property which is now occupied by Phillip and Mary O'Neill, also to my said grand child Richard O'Neill I give and bequeath the new schooner now building in Trinity Bay giving his father Phillip O'Neill charge of her until the said Richard O'Neill attains the age of twenty-one years, The shop now occupied by Mary Calpin together with the office I give and bequeath to my son Mark. The shop now occupied by Mrs. Fitzgerald I give and bequeath to my son James and the shop now occupied by R. H. Taylor I give and bequeath to my son Patrick. The rent of all the shops to be equally divided between my three sons Mark, James and Patrick. The house and property now occupied by James Daly (my bookkeeper) I give and bequeath to him as also the piece or parcel of land purchased by me from Tobias Hackett and after the death of the said James Daly the house and property to revert to my god child Bridget Daly and it is also my wish and will that my sons shall take the said James Daly into partnership and to share and share alike in all profits and losses with them, and should my son Richard Hennebury return again to Newfoundland my three sons Mark, James and Patrick shall each and every one of them share and share alike with him. The house and gardens at Bareneed to be valued at three hundred pounds cy and to be rented to Jeremiah O'Rourke at the yearly rent of ten pounds per year and after the valuation thereof is paid the said house and property is to revert to the heirs of the said Jeremiah O'Rourke forever, My dwelling house and property at North River I give and bequeath for the use and benefit of the Roman Catholic population of North River subject to the control of the Bishop and Parish Priest. My farm utensils, sleighs, carts, carriages, horses &c. to be used and occupied jointly by my three sons Mark, James, and Patrick. I give and bequeath to my three sons Mark, James, and Patrick the nett proceeds of this springs voyage after paying all my lawful debts, I give and bequeath the sum of two hundred pounds currency for the erection of a monument at North River I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds currency to be expended in masses for the benefit of my soul I give and bequeath the sum of fifty pounds currency to be expended in Masses for the repose of the soul of my departed wife Anastatia Henebury, to my grand daughter Margaret O'Neill daughter of Philip and Mary O'Neill, I give and bequeath the sum of two hundred pounds to be placed at interest for her until she attains the age of twenty one years.
To my son in law Mattw Frayne I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds currency to assist him in the building of a dwelling house.
To my daughter Mary O'Neill I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds currency.
To my daughter Ellen I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds currency.
To my daughter Anastatia I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds currency.
To my daughter Margaret I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds currency.
To my grand daughter Alice Henebury daughter of Mark and Mary Henebury I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds to be placed at interest for her until she attains the age of twenty one years.
To Mary Catherine O'Neill daughter of Philip and Mary O'Neill, I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds to be placed at interest for her until she attains the age of twenty one years.
To Alice Delany daughter of James and Ellen Delany I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds to be placed at interest for her until she attains the age of twenty one years,
To Alice O'Neill daughter of Denis and Margaret O'Neill I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds currency to be placed at interest for her until she attains the age of twenty one years. The amount of the mortgage which I hold on the estate of T.S.Calpin of fourteen hundred and ten pounds cy I give and bequeath to my three sons Mark, James and Patrick to be equally devided between them and as I have outstanding mortgages to the amount of seven hundred pounds I will and bequeath that the amount of the said mortgages be equally devided between my seven children Margaret O'Neill, Mary O'Neill, Anastatia Frayne, Ellen Delaney, Mark Henebury, James Henebury and Patrick Henebury and it is my will that whatever debts shall be collected after my death that my bookkeeper, James Daly, shall share and share alike therein with my three sons Mark, James and Patrick
My gold watch and chain and my bed and newest carriage I give and bequeath to my son Mark Henebury, The beds and bedding in all my houses to be equally divided between my three sons Mark, James and Patrick, and I wish and will it to be perfectly understood that the foregoing bequests to my sons are only for and during their natural life, and afterwards to revert to each and every one of their oldest children of male issue and I do hereby appoint Patrick Kenny of Port de Grave and James Daly of Bay Roberts executors to this my last will and testament. Signed after having been carefully read over in presence of
Richard (his X mark) Henebury
Thomas Power
John O'Keefe
Dated at Bay Roberts, Newfoundland this sixth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy six.
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