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In the Supreme Court In re Ewen S Hennebury deceased OATH OF EXECUTOR Probate granted to Frances Vol 8 Folio 590 TO THE HONOURABLE THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND OR ONE OF THE HONOURABLE THE JUDGES THEREOF: The petition of Frances Gertrude Hennebury, of Angle Brook, Glovertown, widow, humbly sheweth;
Your petitioner therefore prays that Letters of Probate of the last will of the deceased may be granted to her, and as in duty bound will ever pray. Dated at St. John's the 19th day of April, 1929. Frances G Hennebury LS This is the paper writing marked "A" which in the affidavit of John H. B. Roberts sworn before me and hereto annexed, is deposed to be the last will and testament of Ewen S Hennebury late of Angle Brook, Retired Civil Servant N Short In re DECEASED. This is the last will and testament of me, E. S. Hennebury of Bonavista CORRECT (Listed in the margin next to this will the following) Notes to accompany transcription: Ewen Stanley Hennebury was born in Quidi Vidi 20 March 1860. He was one of eight children of Thomas Hennebury of Quidi Vidi and Diana Chafe from Petty Harbour. There are no known children from his marriage to Frances Gertrude
A child Daisy was born in Big Bear Cove in Notre Dame Bay
14 December 1890 from a relationship with a Jane Elliott. Ewan Stanley Hennbury was admitted to the Hospital for Insane in St. John's as a person of unsound mind on the 13 July, 1928 and this is where he died on 17 March, 1929.
Page Contributed by Geoff Martin
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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