Will of John Henderson
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages 403 to 405
probate year 1916
In re
This is the last will and testament
of me John Henderson of St. John’s in the Island of Newfoundland, Commission
Merchant, I revoke all former wills by me at any time made, and I appoint the
Honourable John Harris and my wife Edith Henderson the executors of this my
First I give and bequeath to
my brother and sister Hector J. Henderson and Elizabeth
Loughnan, in equal
shares, all my right, title and interest in our property at Harbor Grace;
Secondly I direct my said executors to pay to my sister Elizabeth
Loughnan within two months from the date of my death the sum of Five hundred dollars,
and to my brother Hector J. Henderson within the same time the sum of Three
hundred dollars.
Thirdly I direct
my said Executors to set apart out of my estate such sum as shall be sufficient
when invested to produce an annual income of Fifteen hundred dollars and to
invest the same accordingly and pay the said income to my said sister Elizabeth
Loughnan during her life and upon the death of my said sister to pay the principal
sum to my wife Edith as her absolute property if she be then living but otherwise
as she may by her will appoint:
I direct my said Executors to set apart out of my estate in like manner a sum
sufficient to produce an annual income of four hundred and fifty dollars and
to invest the same accordingly and to apply the said annual sum of Four hundred
and fifty dollars in their discretion for the support and maintenance of my
said brother Hector J. Henderson during his life and upon the death of my said
brother to pay the principal sum to my wife Edith as her absolute property
if she be then living but otherwise as she may by her will appoint:
Fifthly I direct my said executors to expend the sum of two hundred dollars
upon low Masses for the repose of my soul, and I desire that this sum shall
be distributed at the discretion of my executors among the different priests
most in need thereof in Newfoundland.
Sixthly I give and bequeath to the Church of England Orphanage, at St. John’s,
the Methodist Orphanage at St. John’s, the Belvidere Orphanage at St.
John’s, the Industrial School at Mount Cashel, the Dorcas Society, the
St. Vincent de Paul Society (Men’s) and the St. Vincent de Paul Society
(Women’s) the sum of Four hundred dollars each, making two thousand eight
hundred dollars in all.
I give and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my property (including
my interest in the business of Hearn and Company and in the firm’s buildings,
my shares in companies, and all surplus moneys left after payment of debts,
expenses, and the foregoing specific legacies) to my wife Edith as her absolute
Eighthly I declare that
it is my desire to have the realization of my estate so conducted as not unreasonably
to hamper the business of Hearn and Company and to that intent I authorize
my Executors if they shall in their discretion think fit to postpone the conversion
and realization of my share in the said business for such a period not to exceed
in all five years as they shall deem advisable but so that the legacies and
annuities given by this my will shall in the meantime be paid and that the
ultimate payment out of my share in the said business shall be secured by bond
mortgage or otherwise.
Ninthly I declare
that it is not my desire to restrict my Executors in the investment of the
legacy or residuary funds of my estate to what are commonly known as Trustees’ Investments
but that I rely on their judgment in the selection of such investments as shall
appear to them to combine reasonable safety with substantial return: Tenthly I direct that should my said wife Edith predecease me the benefits
conferred on her by this my will shall go to my said sister Elizabeth
Loughnan in her stead as if the name of my said sister were substituted for that of
my said wife throughout the will, including the appointment of executors, and
the clause of the will commencing “Thirdly” were deleted In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand at St. John’s
this twenty-ninth day of January, 1914. J. Henderson. Signed published and declared by the testator as and for his last will and
testament in presence of us, both being present at the same time, who in his
presence and at his request hereunto subscribe ourselves as witnesses attesting
the due execution thereof: Chas. O’Neill Conroy. K. Sinnott.
This is a codicil to the foregoing will
of me John Henderson dated the twenty-ninth day of January, 1914: Whereas my
executor, John Harris in the said will named is now dangerously ill, I hereby
revoke the appointment of the said John Harris and appoint Charles
Conroy of St. John’s one of His Majesty’s Counsel the Executor in
place of the said John Harris, but in all other respects I
confirm my said will. In witness whereof I HAVE hereunto subscribed my hand
at St. John’s this
fourth day of December A.D. 1915. J. Henderson.
Signed published and declared by the testator as and for a codicil to his last
will and testament in presence of us, both being present at the same time,
who in his presence and at his request hereunto subscribe ourselves as witnesses
attesting the due execution hereof W.J. Higgins, William Donnelly.
Charles H. Emerson
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
(Listed in the margin of this will)
July 4/16
July 6/16
granted to
Edith Henderson
C. O’N Conroy
Estate sworn
at $160.000.00
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