Will of Matthias Hayward
from Newfoundland will books volume 7 pages 227-229
probate year 1902
The last Will of Matthias Hayward
late of Twillingate
I Matthias Hayward of Twillingate South Side,
in the Northern District of the island of Newfoundland make this my last will
and testament while in the possession of sound mind and memory this the eighteenth
day of January 1902 I give devise and bequeath my estate and property real
and personal in the following manner:
(1st ) I give and devise unto
my son Robert Hayward two thirds of my property situated in Twillingate aforesaid,
consisting of land store, fishing room etc. (except my dwelling house hereinafter
mentioned) during his natural life. At the death of my son Robert Hayward the
part given him is to be equally divided between his two sons Robert
Hayward and Daniel Hayward.
(2) I give and devise to my grandson Edwin Hayward one third of my property situated as aforesaid consisting land outhouse fishing
room etc also my dwelling house with all its effects, (except as herein after
provided for) to have and to hold the said property to the said Edwin
Hayward his heirs and executors for ever. 3. I also bequeath the following
legacies to the several persons hereinafter named:
- To my son Robert Hayward the sum of two hundred & fifty dollars ($250)
- To my grandson Edwin Hayward the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars
- To my grandson Robert Hayward Two hundred dollars ($200)
- To my grandson David Hayward two hundred dollars ($200)
- To my great grandson William son of Edwin Hayward one hundred dollars
($100) which sum is to be deposited in the Bank until he arrives at age (21
years) unless he should be in absolute need.
- To my daughter in law Mary Jane Hayward the sum of twenty five dollars
- To the wife of my grandson Edwin Elizabeth Hayward the sum of fifteen
- These legacies to be paid from the money now deposited in the Methodist
College and Church St. John's I also give and bequeath to Hepzibab
Mitchard daughter of Thomas Mitchard a bedroom set consisting of jug, basin etc etc.
And to my son Robert Hayward one rocking chair now in my dwelling house.
All the rest residue and remainder of my property real or personal I give bequeath
and devise unto my son Robert Hayward his heirs and assigns for ever
I hereby appoint and constitute Charles White, Teacher to be my executor of
this my last will and Testament instructing him that the money mentioned is
not to be distributed before the end of December in the year of my demise,
and I hereby desire that my executor shall not be required to give any security
for the performance of the same.
In witness whereof I Matthias Hayward have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this eighteenth day of January
A.D. 1902 - Matthias Hayward LS Subscribed by the testator in the presence
of each of us who by his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed
our names John Hodder - Thomas Mitchard.
I, Matthias Hayward, of Twillingate, do make and declare
this to be a codicil to my last will and Testament which bears date January
18th 1902 Whereas I have devised and bequeathed unto my grandson Edwin
Hayward the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars by my said will
(Sec. 3) I do hereby revoke my said will so far as it relates to the said Edwin
Hayward and give
and bequeath unto the said Edwin Hayward the sum of two hundred
dollars and to my son Robert Hayward the sum of three hundred
dollars instead of two hundred and fifty dollars. I also give and bequeath
unto Harriet Ridout the large clock
owned by my late wife And in all other respects I confirm my said will. In
witness whereof I hereunto set my hand April 14th 1902. Matthias his x mark
Hayward Signed
by the said Testator by making his mark after being read and explained, as
a codicil to his last will in our presence, who in the presence of each other
at the same time subscribed our names as witnesses of the same
Henry James Pike. Thomas Mitchard
I certify the foregoing to be a correct
copy of the last will with codicil thereto of Matthias Hayward
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
14th Nov 02
Johnson J.
Letters of Probate
granted on the 14th
Nov. 02 to Charles
Est. sworn at