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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
George Edward Harvey
Will of George Edward Harvey, from Newfoundland will books volume 15 page 107 probate year 1930
I, George Edward Harvey Fisherman of Crabbes in the District of Saint George Newfoundland, being of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this my last will and testament.
I give and bequeath to Rebecca Chaffey wife of William Chaffey of Crabbes whatsoever I am possessed of at the time of my death for her sole use and benefit, that is to say the one half of the dwelling house barn and outhouses, together with one half the land on which these buildings are situate, my two pieces of hay land on the Islands in Crabbes River, also the one half of the block of land which lies along the West Side of Taylors Road or whatever portion thereof I may be entitled to in law.
I give and bequeath to the said Rebecca Chaffey my cow and ewe sheep with all my personal effects and whatever else not especially mentioned that I may be possessed of at the time of my death I appoint Gilbert Gosse as my executor of this my last will and testament to which I set my hand this 12th day of Feby A.D. 1921.
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Willoughby Pike.
Alphonse Pike.
William F. Lloyd (Signature)
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
Written in the top right-hand margin:
W J Higgins
Feby 11/30
Probate granted
to Gilbert Gosse
on the 1st day
of March
A.D. 1930
Value of Estate
Page Contributed by Ernie Kraut & Transcribed by Lenora Cooper
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (
Tuesday June 27, 2017
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