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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
William Harris


Will of William Harris
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 161-164 probate year 1910

In re
      William Harris          deceased.

      In the Name of God, Amen. This is the last will and testament of me, William Harris, at present of St. John’s, in the Island of Newfoundland, builder, made this sixth day of June Anno Domini one Thousand nine Hundred and six. I give, devise and bequeath all my estate, property, moneys and effects of every description whatsoever of which I shall die possessed to my wife, Mary Harris, for her sole and separate use and benefit during her life, and on her death I give, devise and bequeath the said property, moneys and effects of every description whatsoever as follows:
1. I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter Mary, wife of M. F. Smyth, that portion of the garden in the rear of my work shop, situate in Monkstown, and No. 43 on the plan of my ground hereto annexed marked “A”, also half the profit rent of the house No. 6, situate on Mullock Street.
2. I give, devise and bequeath to my son William the lot and house No. 12, situate on Mullock Street; also the work shop, and ground upon which the same is built; also the garden in the rear of the said house, which said house is marked No. 12 on the plan hereto annexed; also the lot situate on Circular Road, No. 4 on said plan marked “B” also all tools and materials in the work shop on Monkstown Road
3. I give, devise and bequeath to my son John the house and ground marked 89 on the said plan A and situate in Monkstown. To Hold the same in trust for the benefit of my daughters Catherine and Margaret: the profit rent of the said house to be devoted by my said son to such purposes as he may think best in the interests of my aforesaid daughters.
4. I give, devise and bequeath to the three children of my deceased daughter Elizabeth Doyle the profit rental of the house No. 37 on plan “A” situate on Monkstown Road, and half the profit rental of the house No. 6, situate on Mullock Street; said rent to be placed by my executors hereinafter mentioned in the Savings Bank until the said children are of a legal age, when same, together with such interest as shall then have accumulated, is to be paid to them in equal shares; the interest in the meantime to be applied by my said executors towards their maintenance and support. In the event of either of the said children dying, then the share of the child so deceased shall be divided equally amongst the survivors. In the event of the death of the three children before they arrive at the age of 21 years, then I give, devise and bequeath the said properties to my daughter Agnes.
5. I give, devise and bequeath to my son James the south east corner lot, situate near Circular Road and marked No. 2 on the plan “B” hereto annexed also lot No. 8 on plan A on Mullock Street.
6. I give devise and bequeath to my son Thomas the house and lot. No. 10 plan “A” on Mullock Street; also the lot situate near Circular Road, No. 3 on the plan B. hereto annexed.
7. I give, devise and bequeath to my son John one-quarter of the annual rent of the land leased to the Newfoundland Brewing Company.
8. I give, devise and bequeath to my niece Catherine Coleman sixty dollars per annum from the rent which shall come to my executors, from the proprietors of the Newfoundland Brewery, to be paid to her during her life, and after her death said amount shall be paid over to my said son John. In the event of the lease to the Newfoundland Brewing Co. being cancelled by fire, or surrendered, or in the event of the said rent ceasing from any cause, then the annual payment to my niece Catherine Coleman shall cease, and my general estate shall in no way be bound to contribute towards the same; and further, in the event of the said Brewery being destroyed by fire, or the lease of the same surrendered, the said land upon which the Brewery is erected shall be divided by my executors as follows:
      (a) The lot marked No. 1 on the plan B, hereto annexed I give, devise and bequeath to my son John
      (b). The lot marked No. 5 on the plan B, hereto annexed I give, devise and bequeath to my son William.
9. I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter Agnes the house situate on Prescott Street, at present occupied by David Smallwood; also the house and lot No. 2 on plan A situate on Mullock Street; also the garden in the rear of the work shop marked No. 4 on the plan “A” hereto annexed.
10 I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter Agnes all the residue of my estate of every description whatsoever. To Have and To hold the said properties, moneys, lands and effects unto the said parties named in my said will for ever.
I desire that my executors shall, before handing over to my said wife, during her life, the rents and profits of my estate, first deduct from the same all such sums as may be necessary for the maintenance and insurance of my said properties, which expenditures shall be a first charge on said moneys. I appoint my sons John and William executors of this my last will and testament, and I hereby revoke all former wills made by me. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand at St. John’s the day and year first above written. William Harris Signed by the said testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, who in his presence, at his request, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses, the words “Marked B” the letter “A” the words “on plan A” “on plan A” the letter “B: the words “on plan A” “plan A” the letter “B: the words “upon which the brewery is erected” the letters “B” “B” the words “on plan A” and the letter “A” having being first interlined on the several pages. M.J. Mulcahy    E.P. Morris

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Nov. 5/10
Nov. 14/10
to John
Harris &
sworn at



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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