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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Sarah Harris


Will of Sarah Harris
from Newfoundland will books volume 1 pages 271 to 273 probate year 1838

In re
     Sarah Harris       deceased.

With the deepest humility and resignation to the divine will, sensible of the weakness and imbecility of human nature, and conscious of my own infirmity, divested of all animosity to my fellow creatures, and desirous to preserve harmony and fraternal love among my children, when in the course of events I may be removed by the Almighty disposer and director of all things, I Sarah Harris of Saint John's in the Island of Newfoundland, sensible of the decline of nature by advanced age, being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and publish this my last and only will and testament, in manner and form following, that is to say,
First I consign my spirit and the disposal of my body to that blessed power who has been the benefactor and promoter of all my earthly comfort, and source of all my everlasting hope,
Secondly animated by the affection I entertain for my beloved daughter Sarah Gill, endeared to me in a peculiar manner by the Providential infliction of Blindness in her infancy and the long and intimate solace she has been to me in my declining years by her prudent counsel and kind services and attention since we have sojourned together, I fully and freely recognize her title as one of my joint heirs to one third proportion of premises designated the New Forest situate in the vicinity of Saint John's aforesaid, conveyed to me and my heirs by Deed of Gift from my late father Nicholas Gill, bearing date the twenty seventh day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninety two, to have and to hold to her her heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever, and also give and bequeath to her in full right my bed, bedstead and all the appurtenances thereunto attached and in general one third of all the property in goods chattels or effects which may appertain to me at the time of my decease after every legal demand against my estate is liquidated.
Thirdly consistent with the perfect regard I entertain for my beloved daughter Hannah Carnell, formerly Harris, I also recognize as before expressed her title free and clear to one third proportion of the aforementioned premises designated the New Forest, to have and to hold to her her heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever, and also give and bequeath to her in full right one third proportion of my goods, chattels and effects unappropriated as before expressed.
Fourthly with equal affection and regard for my sincerely beloved son Nicholas Gill Harris I also recognize as before expressed his title free and clear to one third proportion of the aforesaid mentioned premises designated the New Forest to have and to hold to him his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever and also give and bequeath to him in full right one third proportion of my goods chattels and effects unappropriated as before expressed and thus having made what I conceive a just and equitable distribution of all my earthly concerns desirous that no needless expense may be incurred with a view to render a mistaken respect to my memory it is my injunction that the most decent modesty shall be preserved and that my beloved children may by their united affection and fraternal regard prove that they have a permanent sense and recollection of their departed parent.
Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my said beloved children Sarah Gill, Hannah Carnell and Nicholas Gill Harris joint executrixes and executor to this my final will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Saint John's Newfoundland aforesaid this fourteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four. Sarah Harris (LS)
Signed sealed published and declared by the above mentioned Sarah Harris to be her final will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator and of each other. Frederic H. Carrington.   Geo. T. Haye.   Anne Winter.

Certified Correct,
D. M. Browning



Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are hand-written copies of a, "last will and testament," written by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor.

We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be.

Page Contributed by Judy Benson and Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (March 12, 2003)

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