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Will of Job Hamlyn In re In the name of God Amen I Job
Hamlyn being of sound mind and memory though somewhat feeble in body do
make this my last will and Testament. I desire, first of all, that my wife,
should she survive me enjoy the use of my new House as long as she lives,
to be therein maintained in all things necessary, by my four sons, James,
Uriah, Daniel and George to the best of their power. Any of whom refusing
or neglecting this duty, shall thereby forfeit all right and title to whatsoever
property may hereinafter be bequeathed to him in his document; such share
or shares to be then at the disposal of my aforesaid wife. I desire also,
that should either of the four above mentioned sons die, and his widow
remain unmarried, she shall be permitted to remain on the Room as during
her husbands life, share the general work and be maintained by her children
from their share of the general earnings. But if any such widow marry again,
she shall quit the Room; and all title to share in properties or earnings
shall descend directly to my own grandchildren and not to the children
of any second marriage whatsoever, with these stipulations therefore Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
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