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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Amelia Ann Haly


Will of Amelia Ann Haly
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 447 to 450 probate year 1908

In re
      Amelia Ann Haly          deceased.

      This is the last will and Testament of me Amelia Ann Haly of No. 12 St. Stephens Road Shepherd’s Bush in the county of Middlesex spinster whereas under and by virtue of an appointment bearing date the thirty first May one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six made and executed by my father and mother the late Colonel George Thomas Haly deceased and Mary Ann his wife in pursuance of a power contained in their marriage Settlement dated the fourteenth July one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I am entitled expectant upon the decease of my said dear mother to one fourth of certain funds therein respectively mentioned subject nevertheless to the payment out of the said one fourth part to which I am so entitled of the sum of three hundred pounds already paid and advanced me on account thereof Now I do hereby direct that my executors hereinafter named shall have hold possess and receive the said one fourth part or share and all other parts or shares to which I am now or may hereafter become entitled of and in the said Settlement funds as and when the same shall become payable as well as all other my estate and effects both real and personal of which I may die possessed upon trust to dispose thereof or of such part thereof as is not hereinafter specifically bequeathed as follows, namely.

In the first place to pay and apply the same in satisfaction of any debts which shall be due and owing by my said dear mother at the time of her death and which her estate shall be insufficient to discharge

Secondly to provide for and pay to the Treasurers for the time being of the following charitable Institutions namely, the Hospital for sick children in Great Ormond Street in memory of my sister Georgiana Harriette Haly The Consumption Hospital at Brompton in memory of my sister Honora Eleanor Elizabeth Haly The Hospital for Diseases of the chest in the City Road in memory of my brother William Aylmer Haly and the Hospital for Consumption at Brompton in memory of my sister Jane Charlotte Haly the sum of one hundred guineas each to be applied by them towards the carrying on the benevolent designs of the said Institutions the same being so given them by me in memory of my deceased sisters and brother namely Georgiana Harriette Jane Charlotte Honora Eleanor Elizabeth and William Aylmer Haly

And lastly to pay and divide the residue thereof equally between my brother and sister George Standish Haly and Theresa Bannister the wife of the Reverend Arthur Toms Bartlett the share of my said sister Mrs. Bartlett to be paid to her for her sole and separate use independently of the debts control and engagements of her said husband

And as to the few articles which I am desirous of specifically disposing of I give and bequeath the same as follows namely,

  • To my dear mother the whole of my personal property with the exception of the following articles videlicet
  • the whole of my wardrobe and a dark blue enameled ring with a pearl star a blue enameled and pearl brooch containing the hair of my great grandfather Bannister a gold locket with a pearl star in the centre a picture of a Greek painted in oils by my mother an Edition of Cowper’s Poems and a set of three white vases with black designs which I bequeath to my sister Theresa Bannister wife of the Reverend Arthur Toms Bartlett.
  • To my brother George Standish I leave the painting of the ascension done by my mother, a carved black wood bookslide a gold and amethyst pin given to me by my dear father a ditto ring the gift of my uncle Major General Haly a little iron camp stool A small round mahogany table and a Chinese sandal wood Junk.
  • To my little niece Mary Louisa Bartlett I give a little locket of blue enamel with white lily a necklace of blue beads with a cross. A round white and gold scent bottle with chain and ring attached, and a ring embedded with garnets a rosewood box with white bands and lined with magenta Silk and ten pounds (£10)
  • To my uncle Major general Haly I leave a little water color painting by my mother of children dancing to an organ
  • To my aunt Amelia Haly a pair of white and gold vases with blue corn flowers and a small silver fishing Boat left to me by dear grandmother as belonging to her first child.
  • To my aunt Jane Lucy Haly a little alabaster head which belonged to her mother’s inkstand and pair of Green and white vases with lilies of the valley.
  • To my aunt Amelia Harriette Kirby a pair of vases with bunches of roses.
  • To my aunt Theresa (Lady Cochrane) a round red Burmese box.
  • To my aunt Anatasia Hutton a carved oak bookslide.
  • To my cousin Anatasia Smith a Tussore silk dress worked in white (in the piece)
  • To my cousin Emma Hutton ditto.
  • To my little god-child Louisa Cochrane a silver Maltese Cross and ten pounds (£10) to purchase anything she likes in memory of her god-mother
  • and to Maria Hammond the sum of five pounds (£5)

and I appoint John Standish Haly and my mother Mary Ann Haly Executors of this my will and revoke all previous or other wills at any time heretofore made by me as witness my hand this twenty-first day of November one thousand eight hundred and seventy two.     Amelia Ann Haly. Signed and acknowledged by the above named Amelia Ann Haly the testatrix as and for her last will and Testament in the presence of both of us present at the same time who have hereunto subscribed our names in the presence of the Testatrix and of each other as witnesses hereof -
W.L. Collett M.A. Vicar of St. Stephens Shepherd’s Bush St. Stephens Vicarage Shepherds Bush
Maurice Davis. 11 Brunswick Square W.C.M.D.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Johnson J
July 27/08
July 25/08



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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