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Will of Catherine Hallaren In re In the name of God Amen this is the
last will and testament of me Catherine Hallaren of Saint John’s Newfoundland
widow. In exercise of the power of appointment vested in me by the last will
and testament of my late husband Terrence Hallaren I hereby direct and appoint
give and bequeath unto Esther Ann (Annie) Hallaren as a proper pension for
her support and maintenance all the property goods chattels moneys and effects
belonging to the Estate of my late husband Terrence Hallaren to
have and to hold the same for her life time and after her death I will direct
and appoint in virtue of the said power vested in me by the said will to bequeath
the same to such religions and charitable purposes as in my judgement I may
consider deserving of consideration that the residue
of the Estate of my late husband Terrence Hallaren is to become the property
of the Parish Priests of St. Mary’s and Holyrood to be expended by them
for church purposes A Government Debenture for
the sum of one thousand dollars now in the name of Rev. Father Forristal in
Trust, I bequeath to the Administrator of the Diocese of St. John’s for
the time being the interest accruing therefrom to be devoted to a High Mass
yearly for the repose of the souls of my husband and myself Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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