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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
John Peebles Haliburton


Will of John Peebles Haliburton, from Newfoundland will books volume 15 page 361 probate year 1931

IN RE.                         DECEASED

John Peebles Haliburton

I John Peebles Haliburton of Bonne Bay District of St Barbe Dominion of Newfoundland merchant, being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills and testaments, heretofore at any time by me made.
I hereby appoint my son John Plant Haliburton to be the executor of my will.
I hereby direct my said executor to pay all my just debts, and to make every and all arraignments with my creditors, (if any can be made) so that the business may be carried on with that and in view, and not sacrafised.
1st. I give and bequeathed to my son John Plant Haliburton all my real estate, stock in trade book debts, boats, stores and everything whatsoever belonging to or being part of my said business so that he may be enabled to carry on the business, or wind it up to be best advantage of all concerned.
2nd. To my son John Plant Haliburton I also give and bequeath my grand mother Haliburtons table also my watch and chain.
3rd. To my daughter Eleanor Frances I leave a deed of a portion of land on Kippet Island, Hawkes Bay, Port Saunders.
4th. To my daughter Eva Murcell Haliburton I give and bequeath that small portion of land situated at Port Saunders and being part of land purchased by me from the Episcopal Corporation of St George's, also the piano being part of my furniture and owned by me.
5th. To my daughter Edna Frances Haliburton I give and bequeath my organ.
6th. To my son Lacstavus Henry Haliburton I give and bequeath one lounge, table and four chairs being a portion of his grandfather Alfred Taits Haliburtons furniture, also his grandfather ring.
7th. To my son John Plant Haliburton and Lacstavus Henry Haliburton I leave my dear wife and daughters Eva Murcel Haliburton and Elma Frances Haliburton to be cared for by them till God shall be pleased to take my dear wife to himself and that my daughters have homes of their own or can be placed in a position to support themselves. My daughters to assist their brothers in their support while living with them.
Signed this 1st day of July in the year of Our Lord 1922.

John Peebles Haliburton


William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

Written in the top right-hand margin:
March 1st 1931
J M Kent
Probate granted
to John Plant

on the 5th day
of March 1931
Value of Estate



Page Contributed by Judy Benson, Sheila Tiberio & Transcribed by Lenora Cooper

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit ( Sunday July 07, 2019 )

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