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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Philip Grouchy


Will of Philip Grouchy
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 279 to 283 probate year 1907

In re
      Philip Grouchy          deceased.

      This is the Last Will and Testament of me Philip Grouchy of Pouch Cove in the Island of Newfoundland Planter

First I revoke all former wills and codicils at any time made by me

      Second I give devise and bequeath to my wife Anna Grouchy all the property of whatsoever description lands goods chattels moneys and effects of which I may die possessed for and during the full term of her natural life and upon her death I will and bequeath the said property as follows:
      I give and bequeath to my grandson John Thomas Grouchy (of son Albert deceased) the house, and land whereon the same is built, formerly held by his father and also the household furniture thereunto belonging, the one half of the Kitchen garden adjoining the said house, the outhouse used as a factory and half the adjoining garden (on the back)
My fishing room flakes and store I desire to be held in four shares as follows: one fourth for my grandson the said John Thomas Grouchy and his brother Philip Grouchy equally between them and the other three fourths to my sons Samuel Grouchy and Jesse Grouchy to be held by my said sons in equal shares
I give and bequeath to my son Jesse Grouchy the Kitchen garden adjoining his dwelling house the old stable and cellar and the piece of land on Rogers Hill with dwelling house thereon and also half the land known as Juniper Farm.
I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Grouchy my dwelling house and household furniture at Pouch Cove and one half the Kitchen garden in front also the old outhouse and half the back garden and adjoining Kitchen garden the large stable and half the large meadow through which the river flows to north Brook and one half of the Juniper Farm: also the two pieces of land belonging to me situate near Burns Hill south side of Pouch Cove, also my horse carts cattle and all farm stock and farm implements    None of the foregoing bequests, save that to my wife are to take effect until her decease.

3rd.    I direct my Executors hereinafter named to purchase a good and suitable hanging lamp and present the same to the Church of all Saints at Pouch Cove to be placed over the Chancel step of the said church unless I shall have presented such a hanging lamp to the said church before my decease.

All the rest residue and remainder of my estate and effects including such moneys as may belong to me at the time of my death I give and bequeath to my said wife Anna Grouchy to be spent and dealt with as she shall think proper.    In the event of my said wife not having disposed of the same at her death and making no testamentary disposition thereof I direct that any residue then remaining is in that case to go to Samuel and Jesse my sons.

4th    I hereby appoint my said wife Anne Grouchy and James Gould of Pouch Cove Planter as Executors of this my will In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand at Pouch Cove aforesaid this 30th day of March A.D. 1892 and declare the foregoing to be my last will and Testament    Philip Grouchy. Signed Published and Declared by the said Testator as and for his last will and Testament in our presence who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other hereto subscribed ourselves as witnesses William H. Horwood     C. Wearing Hayward.

Codicil to my Will & Testament dated 30th March 1892     I Philip Grouchy hereby revoke so much of my aforesaid Will and Testament dated 30th March 1892 as would otherwise in any way interfere with the following I give, devise, and bequeath to my son Samuel the House and land whereon it stands formerly held by his brother Albert (deceased) also household furniture belonging thereto, the Kitchen garden adjoining thereto, the outhouse used as a Factory and the adjoining garden on the back. Also my Dwelling house and household furniture at Pouch Cove, the Kitchen garden in front, the old outhouse, the back garden and adjoining kitchen garden the large stable and half the large meadow through which the River flows to North Brook, one half of Juniper Farm, also the two pieces of land belonging to me situate near Burn’s Hill South Side of Pouch Cove, also my horse carts cattle and all farm stock and Farm implements
My fishing Room, Flakes, and Store, I desire to be divided equally between my two sons Jesse and Samuel
I give and bequeath to my son Jesse Grouchy the Kitchen garden adjoining his dwelling house, the old stable and cellar, and the piece of land on Rogers Hill with dwelling house thereon and also half the land known as Juniper Farm
Aall the rest, residue and remainder of my Estate and effects, including such moneys as may belong to me at the time of my death I direct shall after all just claims on my Estate and Funeral expenses have been paid, be held in nine shares by my seven children as follows - Four of the above nine Shares to be divided equally between my two sons Jesse and Samuel.    The remaining Five Shares to be divided equally among my Five Daughters Mary Anne Mundy, Elizabeth Cummins, Elisa Butler, Fannie Hudson, and Jemima Ryan.
The Piece of land belonging to me situate in Robinson’s gully I give to my son Samuel Grouchy also the remaining half of that aforementioned large meadow through which the River flows to North Brook - In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand at Pouch Cove aforesaid this Twenty-seventh day of March A.D. 1899 and declare the Foregoing to be my own Codicil to my last will and Testament Philip Grouchy signed Published and Delivered by the Testator in our Presence who in his Presence and at his request and in the Presence of each hereto subscribe ourselves as witnesses Philip G. Butler, Henry Elington

This second Codicil to the last will and Testament of me Philip Grouchy, made on the 30th day of March A.D. 1892. Since making the said will I have decided to set apart the sum of Forty ($40.00) dollars to be devoted to the erection of a stained glass window in the east end of the Chancel of “All Saints” Church Pouch Cove, for the honor & glory of Almighty God. In the event of my decease taking place before the said stained glass window is obtained, I desire that the amount abovementioned be deducted from whatever money I may die possessed of be applied to the purpose aforesaid. In all other respects I confirm my said last will. In witness whereof I have set my hand at Pouch Cove aforesaid this sixth day of February A.D. 1901    Philip Grouchy Signed published and delivered by the Testator in our presence who in his presence and at his request, and in the presence of each other hereto subscribe ourselves as witnesses    Nathaniel Williams     T.G. Petten

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
May 22 07
adm. c.t.a.
June 1st 07
to Rev.
G. Petten
Estate sworn
at $1000.00
Wm. C. Job
Wm. R. Warren



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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