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Will of Clarissa Goss In re This is the last will and testament of me Clarissa Goss of Number
165 Camberwell Grove Camberwell in the County of Surrey Widow In the first
place I direct the payment of my just debts and funeral and testamentary
expenses I give and bequeath to my faithful maidservant Clara Prosser the
legacy or sum of fifty pounds free of legacy duty I give and bequeath to
my two daughters Catherine Mary and Julia Charlotte all my domestic and
household goods and stores furniture plate linen china pictures prints
jewelery ornaments of the person chattels and effects for their absolute
use but in case of either of them marrying it is my desire and intention
that the other of them shall thereupon become entitled absolutely to the
entirety thereof Nevertheless in case of both of them marrying or dying
or one of them marrying and the other dying whilst either of my two youngest
sons shall be living and under the age of twenty one years then I direct
the said household goods furniture plate linen china pictures prints chattels
and effects other than jewellery and ornaments of the person to be sold
and the proceeds to be equally divided between such of my children as shall
be living at the time appointed for such sale and as to the leasehold premises
Number 3 East India Avenue Leadenhall Street in the City of London and
the premises connected therewith wherein the business of a Wine Merchant
is now carried on by me and also the goodwill of the said business I give
and bequeath the same respectively unto my two sons Walter Miller and George
William in order that after my death such business may be carried on by
them for their own use and benefit Provided nevertheless and I hereby declare
that in case at the time of my death my said son George William shall be
under the age of twenty one years the said business shall be carried on
by my said son Walter Miller alone and for his own exclusive benefit until
my said son George William shall attain the age of twenty one years whereupon
the said business shall be carried on by my said two sons in partnership
unless my said son George William shall decline such partnership in which
case the said business shall belong to my said son Walter Miller alone
for his own use and benefit I direct that immediately or as soon as may be after my death an account and valuation be taken and made of my capital in the said business and the stock in trade and effects and all other my worldly estate subject as aforesaid and that after payment of or provision for borrowed capital and of my funeral and testamentary expenses and the aforesaid legacy of fifty pounds the clear residue be divided into twenty four equal parts which I give and bequeath as follows that is to say
I declare that in case my said sons Charles Frederick and George
William or either of them shall die under the age of twenty one years or if
either of them or any of my other children shall die in my lifetime without
leaving issue living at the time of my death his her or their share or
respective shares as well original as accruing in such twenty four parts
shall be divided among my other children and the lawful issue then living
of any deceased child or children in proportion to the parts or shares
hereinbefore given to them respectively and as hereinafter provided for
Provided nevertheless and I hereby declare that in making such division
as aforesaid all sums of money which I have from time to time advanced
to or paid for my sons Henry John and James Weston and
the particulars of which will be found debited to them respectively in
the ledger kept at the Counting House shall be brought into account and
be set off against or as the case may be taken in satisfaction of what
they respectively may or otherwise would under this my will be entitled
to Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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