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Will of Margaret Mary Gorman In re In the Name of God Amen This is the last will of Margaret Mary Gorman wife of James Bernard Gorman. I leave my daughter Lizzie my Eleven gass shares, my silver ware Jewelery Thrunks Clothes Books, ornaments, Pictures looking-glass, glass, china & armchair, 1 Lounging chair 1 small table. Three feather beds (the bed in the room downstairs) the two she uses also the pillows, the gas shares, are on no condition to be sold or mortgaged until Lizzie is Thirty-five 35 years old then she can do as she please. The interest to be drawn each year by my sister Elizabeth O’Flaherty placed in the Government Savings bank left there till the first day of October of the same year then Lizzie can use it should she die before she arrives at the age of Thirty-five, one share to be sold and the money given for Masses for her soul. The interest on the remaining Ten shares to be divided each year between my three sons Julien Paul Lawrence, until my youngest son is twenty one. then the ten shares are to be divided between all my sons All
my Silver to be sent to my sister Elizabeth O’Flaherty who will put
it in some safe place until Lizzie is Thirty years old, should she die
before she comes to that age the silver is to be sold and the money given
in Masses and charitys for her soul Forty dollars ($40) to be taken out
of the Government Saving bank and given to Father Power to say Masses for
my soul. The remainder of the money in the Savings Bank I leave to my sister
Elizabeth O’Flaherty to finish my sons James schooling, hoping it
will be enough. To my Husband James Gorman I leave the bed and pillows
that he uses. To my son John I leave the bed pillows and bedstead he uses.
I leave a bed and pillow to my son James a bed pillow to my son Julien one for my son Paul one for my son Laurence I ask my sister Elizabeth
O’Flaherty to look after my daughter Lizzie’s
interests as long as she can Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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