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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Elsie K. Goodwin


Will of Elsie K. Goodwin
from Newfoundland will books volume 24 page 148 probate year 1959


In the Supreme Court,

In re

Elsie K. Goodwin



Probate granted to The Eastern
Trust Company

on the 13th day of January
A.D. 1959

Value of Estate $45, 114.97

Some writing cut off from top on photocopy


The Petition of the Eastern Trust Company,


  1. Elsie K. Goodwin, late of Harbour Grace in the Province of Newfoundland widow, died at that place on or about the 10th day of December A.D. 1958 first having published and declared her Last Will and Testament which is hereto annexed marked "A" and duly proved.

  2. Your Petitioner is the Executor named in the said Last Will and Testament of the said deceased.

  3. The said Elsie K. Goodwin, deceased, left surviving her as next of kin the following children, namely, Robert Warren Goodwin, Florence Munn, Annie Godden, Janet Martin and Whitman LeRoy Goodwin.

  4. The said deceased left properties within the jurisdiction of your Honourable court of the probable value of $45, 114.97 and hereto annexed marked "B" is a just and true Inventory and Valuation of the same so far as Your Petitioner can at present ascertain.

  5. SJC No Letters of Probate of any will or Letters of Administration to the Estate of the said deceased have been applied for, or granted to, any person.

          YOUR PETITIONER THEREFORE HUMBLY PRAYS that Letters of Probate to the Last Will and Testament of the said late Elsie K Goodwin, deceased, be granted to it.


          Dated at St. John's this 8th .day of January A.D. 1959.

EKG RCK     R C Knight ........ Asst. Manager



I, Reginald C. Knight, of St. John's aforesaid, assistant manager, make oath and say as follows:

  1. I am the assistant manager at St. John's of the Eastern Trust Company, the Petitioner in the within Petition named and have full knowledge of all the matters and things therein contained.
  2. All the said matters and things are just, correct and true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

SWORN at St. John's aforesaid,
          this 8th day of January A. D. 1959

          Samuel J Hawkins LS      RCKnight RKC LS
A ??????? LS


This is the paper writing marked "A" referSJC purporting to be the           WEM
Last Will and Testament of Elsie K. Goodwin, referred to in the             JP CS?
annexed affidavit in ????? thereof.

THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me, ELSIE K. GOODWIN, Widow of Dr. W. S. Goodwin, of Harbour Grace, Newfoundland

  1. I hereby revoke all former Wills and Testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made.
  2. I hereby appoint Eastern Trust Co. to be the executor and trustee of and under this my Will.
  3. I direct that all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and Succession Duties in respect of any bequest under this my Mill be paid as a first charge against my Estate.
  4. I bequeath all my personal effects including jewellery unto my three daughters, Florence Munn, Annie Godden and Janet Martin.
  5. All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate I bequeath unto my children in the following proportions:-
    (a) To my son Robert Warren Goodwin two-twelfths.
    (b) To my daughter Florence Munn three-twelfths.
    (c) To my daughter Annie Godden three twelfths.
    (d) to my daughter Janet Martin two-twelfths.
    (e) to my son Whitman LeRoy Goodwin two-twelfths.

DATED at Harbour Grace this thirteenth day of May
          A. D.1955.

SIGNED by the Testatrix in the )  
presence of us, who in her presence ) Elsie K Goodwin LS
and in the presence of each ) Charles Cron LS
other have hereunto subscribed ) Gerald Pike
our names as witnesses. )  

Notes to accompany will:

Elsie was born August 1877 in Annapolis, Nova Scotia, the daughter of James S Warren and Annie Alcock of Harbour Grace. James had gone to Annapolis to learn the carriage trade.

Elsie's husband Dr. Whitman Smith Goodwin was born in July 1868 and his family came from Bay Verte in New Brunswick. He was trained as a dental surgeon and arrived in Harbour Grace in 1900. He founded the Newfoundland Dental Association and the United Towns Utilities which was bought out by Nfld. Light and Power in the 1970's. Whitman died in Harbour Grace March 1954. His will can be found at

Daughter Florence Alberta Margaret Goodwin was married to Frederick Lamont Munn, son of Robert Stewart Munn and Elizabeth Evill Trapnell.

Daughter Elsie Janet Louise Goodwin married her second cousin Edwin Arthur Martin, son of Ron Martin and Gertrude Warren. Edwin's mother Gertrude Warren and Janet's mother Elsie Warren were first cousins.

Daughter Annie Francis Newman Goodwin married Arthur Golder Godden.

Son Whitman Goodwin also practiced as a dental surgeon in Harbour Grace for many years. He married E P Fraser and after her death married her sister E G A Fraser. These girls were the daughters of Donald Gordon Fraser and Mary Dawe of Bay Roberts.

Son Robert Warren married Myrtle Matilda Pike.

Charles Cron was a medical doctor in the Harbour Grace area. He was related to the Martin family with the marriage of his widower father James Maxwell Cron to Emma Martin. James was first married to Frances Ross. Emma Martin was a daughter of Matthew Martin and Jane Maria Mercer. Matthew's brother was Frederick Martin, grandfather to Edwin.



Page Contributed by Geoff Martin

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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